Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday Favorites

It seems like it's been forever since I've done one of these!  I'm linking up with Momfessionals for this week's installment.

This week has been full of laundry, cleaning, friends and swimming.  The laundry I don't mind, but the cleaning is not my favorite, even though I do love having a clean house.  We took a whole day (Wednesday) and stayed home to clean every room from top to bottom.  I did all of the downstairs and my boys did all of the upstairs.  This included dusting the ceilings and the blinds.  I made a no-friends rule for that day and threatened to extend it all week if they didn't get done with my list.

But they got done.  And on Wednesday night, it was friends again, as usual.

I love seeing my kids have fun with their friends, and this moment was one of my favorites.

They had fun laying in their ENO's in our backyard.  Crash enjoyed being outside with them.

And speaking of Crash, since Andy the Wonder Dog died, I would say that though Crash has had some moments of confusion, he has enjoyed being the only dog.  He has soaked up all the attention and he's been almost everywhere with us.  Even the boys' friends dote on this spoiled dog.

And speaking of him being spoiled, the last time he stayed with my in-love's, did you know that he got into a fight with a raccoon?!  He got all scratched up and muddy, and they took him to the vet to make sure he was alright, and has since been on antibiotics.  Also, they confessed to me last night that while he's there by himself, his "bed" is the futon in the boys' room at their house.  They told him to go to bed the last time he spent the night, and he jumped right up and promptly laid his head down on a pillow.  My dad-in-love even admitted to turning on the nightlight for him!

I died laughing.

Speaking of my dad-in-love, here he is with Crash last night.

They're so adorable.  This man is exactly the seventy-two year old version of my husband.  Perhaps that is why I so love him.  He is DEFINITELY one of my favorites.  Actually, all the dad's in my life are my favorites, and I am fortunate enough to have THREE!

I thank God for each and every one of them.

Tuesday and Thursday was spent poolside.

My favorite summer activity is swimming.  I could do it every day of my life and it would never get old.  I have been like this since I was a very young girl with a pool at home, and I really think I will always be this way.  Not only do I love to swim, I am a very strong swimmer and taught all my boys how to do this when they were three years old.  They have always been water babies.

One of my favorite memories of them being little was when Jonah and Noah were three.  They could swim, but I only let them in the deep end if they had floaties on.  Jonah jumped in and his floaties fell off, and before any of us had time to even react, Noah yelled, "I'M COMING, JONAH!" and jumped in and pulled him safety.  Bless.

A few more favorites from this week included some time one afternoon with one of my favorite teenagers.  I also got to see some of my most favorite ladies on all of the earth Tuesday night at Bible study.  And my new Bible study is one of my favorites!  As small group leaders for Renewed Moms, we are doing Life in the Spirit, by Kay Arthur.  It's so good!  I would say that this week has been amazing.

I have to get dressed now.  Love to all!

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