Thursday, June 25, 2015

an opposite world

I was on Facebook a few minutes ago, and I was on our town's "WATCH" page.  I saw a post that really bothered me, although the message of it was good.  A man had done an experiment today while he was waiting on someone he had dropped off at a store entrance.  Just for kicks and to see how long he could last, he turned off his car and cracked the windows.  He said that in four minutes he could not even take a good breath.  It was a public service announcement to NOT leave your kids in the car, even if you run in for only a minute.

That was the good part.  The part that bothered me were the comments underneath.  Very quickly it turned into a forum for not leaving animals in the car.  And all of a sudden, it was all about animals more than the lives of little humans.  

*If you know me, you know how much we love our pets.  None of us would EVER leave our animals in the car.

I guess it shouldn't surprise me, that people (in general) value the lives of animals more than humans.  But it does always catch me off guard.

Without being all doom and gloom, I do know that the world in which we live is a very interesting place today.  It's becoming more and more obvious that, like the world hated Jesus when He walked on it, the world hates us.  

Us being followers of Jesus.

The world today has become the opposite of what it should be.  And I know why this is the case~it's because of the fall that is in Genesis 3.  God's plan in His magnificent creation was perfection.  But when Eve took that first bite of the forbidden fruit, sin entered into the picture, and it's gotten continually worse since then.  It was so bad at one time, that in all of creation, only one good man and his family could be found (Noah).  God actually regretted making human beings on this earth (Genesis 6:6) and flooded the earth to get rid of them.  (How's that for a "sweet" little nursery story?!)  

And I have to wonder whether or not God is looking down on His creation once again and regretting it?

Our world is becoming increasingly more corrupt, and I honestly don't see things getting any better.  I think things will go continually down until the day of His return.  And we don't know that day!  

That is why it is important to examine your heart.  

Is God truly at the center of your life?  

Is He your "boss"?  

Are you daily reading His word and talking to Him so that you can know Him better and reflect Him more?

Not to earn your salvation or His favor, but because you long for more of Him?  To be more like Him?

That is His purpose for us.  He created man in His own image.  Is what He sees reflected, pleasing to Him?

I am preaching to the choir here.  This is a challenge for me too.  I have to daily ask Him to forgive me of sin I might have committed against Him.  Did I have a mean thought about someone?  Did I dishonor Him in any way?  Did I show good or bad fruit to someone?  I have to ask Him to show me my sin, I ask Him to instantly convict me of it so that I can repent and turn away.  

I know there are people who read this that may not live a life centered on God and who haven't asked Him into their hearts.  If that is you, consider your ways!  Examine your heart.  If you are even the tiniest bit doubtful, find someone to talk to, a trusted friend, a pastor, but make sure it's someone who has a relationship with God.  We do not know the day of His return.  Don't waste a second.

And if that is NOT you, if you do have a relationship with God, I encourage you to join me in daily asking Him to show you any unconfessed sin.  If it's your mouth, or words (like mine so often is), ask Him to let the words of your mouth and the meditations of your heart be pleasing to Him (Psalm 19:14).  If it's lying, then ask Him to guard your mouth and your mind.  If it's gossip, ask Him to show you and ask Him to turn you from that.  

Ask Him to use you each and everyday.  Ask Him to help you show the fruits of His Spirit; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control.  Ask Him to help you abide in Him so He can abide in you.  Stay faithful in the reading of His word and ask Him for a teachable heart.

Those are just a few of the things I can think of that have made a difference in what my walk with Him looks like.  

I pray that you always look the opposite of this world that we live in.

I pray that you never conform to the pattern of this world, but that you live transformed.  (Romans 12:2)

Love to all.

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is~His good, pleasing and perfect will."  Romans 12:2

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