Friday, May 1, 2015

Friday Favorites

Good morning and happy Friday!  I'm linking up with Momfessionals for this post.  I am looking forward to a beautiful and relaxing weekend.  It's been a great and productive week around these parts.  I love weeks like that.  We are in the process of winding down our school year, and we are finishing off some subjects and working hard to finish others.  (Math.)  I am already looking into what I need to purchase over the summer for our next school year!  It's hard to believe how fast this year was.

I haven't blogged a lot this week, so I could save up for this post.  :)  It might be long, so beware.


One of my favorite things that I've done this week is write in my gratitude journal.  I have had much to be thankful for this week.


I don't often brag on my boys, because nobody likes those people.  But excuse me, while I become one for a moment.  I am so proud of all my boys.  They are such hard workers, and this week, they were all paid for jobs they have done.  Graham and Drew are cutting yards this summer to earn money for Guatemala.  They finished one job on Monday, and they're doing another one this afternoon.  Even Jonah and Noah earned money~there were a couple of days a couple weeks ago that they all went to Todd's warehouse and cleaned out and organized some shelves.

One of my favorite moments about that this week is this picture above.  Drew's face is so funny, as he is about to partake in his giant bowl of nachos.  They ate a late lunch on Monday and they were starving!


As our homeschool group wraps up for this school year, I have three more Bible studies under my belt.  We studied spiritual gifts in the fall, and 2 Timothy and Titus in the spring.  I enjoyed all of these studies and I learned so much in them.  One truth that has stuck out to me over and over is that we are to BE the church.  "Church" isn't a building we go to~it's us.  We are the body of Christ and we are to extend His love and grace and mercy to those around us.  Especially in light of this dark world we live in.  This image above is one of my favorite things I've seen on the internet all week.


My favorite Crash moment of this week is this.  This is just a typical day in the life of us.  He is fascinated by Twinkles.  They have a love/hate relationship and he drives her bonkers.  They were having a Mexican standoff on this night, and I caught it just in time.


This picture reminds me of one of my favorite hymns that I've been singing all week~Great Is Thy Faithfulness.


Another of my favorite activities from this week included taking Drew to see his best friend's choir concert.  I mentioned their friendship on Tuesday, but I am thankful for moments like these.  I pray my boys are as good of friends as their friends are to them.


One of my favorite things of all time is having a freshly mowed yard.  I posted this on Instagram this week and said, "This is the baby of the family, looking mighty grown up."

How time flies.


This was a favorite and not so favorite moment, all wrapped up into this picture.  I love how cute he looks, but oh my stars.  He scared the living daylights out of me a couple times.  I don't really know if it was him or me being super sensitive.  We must try again, though, or fear will take over and I do not want that for him.  I know that practice makes perfect.  Feel free to pray for me!  I will have earned extra wrinkles and gray hairs by the time his sixteenth birthday come.


I love so much about homeschooling.  So, so much.  It doesn't take all day, so rather than sitting idle or playing on electronics, I love that they find things to do.  One of my favorite activities they did all week was taking apart and putting back together this bike.  It took them the better part of three hours, but persistence pays off.  They were proud as punch at what they accomplished as they rode the completed project down the street to test it out.


This is my most favorite moment all week.  Mrs. Audrey is our adopted grandmother for our eleventh grade girls.  She is precious and what she feeds into them through cards and prayer and coming to talk in Sunday school occasionally is priceless.  I love these people so much.

I know that was long, but those are my favorite moments from this week.  Love to all.

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