Wednesday, April 29, 2015

What's On My Nightstand, the longest edition ever

I love to read.  My hobby began when I was in first grade and I read my first Garfield book on my own.  It developed from there and before I knew it, I could usually be found with my nose buried in a book.  My siblings were grown and out of the house, so reading was my constant companion.  Reading spilled over into my love for writing, and as long as I can remember, I have also loved to write.  I have a constant parade of words marching through my brain, which is why you can usually find a journal in my purse or a note on the app on my phone.

My love of reading includes blogs, articles, magazines of interest (I do not love every magazine, only helpful ones), poetry and hymn books.

I know.  That last one was weird.  I just love words in general, and I love things written a long time ago.  (I currently have a book on hymns that we're reading together, Jonah, Noah and I.  The hymn is written out and the story behind the hymn is also on the page.)  

I was asked how to know what to read recently, so I thought I would share that process with you on here.  The process of picking out books is a personal one, so I would start with that.  

What interests you?  Do you only read fiction?  Nonfiction?  

My tastes are changing as the years go by, and this year I've read way more nonfiction that I have of any other type of book.  Another reason I know so much about books is because I am always looking for a new one.  I talk to people, I read blogs that tell me when a new one comes out, I review books for companies and I have a constant "recommended for you" list on Amazon.  

I also follow a lot (A LOT) of authors on social media, and I become familiar with them so I can be on book launch teams and sneak preview lists.  I don't remember how that started, but it happens quickly.  The more launch teams or sneak preview lists I'm on, the more my name is "out there" and I'm regularly contacted by publishing companies and Lifeway.  I am currently on Jen Hatmaker's launch team for her new book that will release in August, For The Love, and before that one, I was on Kelly Minter's for her latest Bible study, What Love Is.  Included in the list are Beth Moore and Jennifer Rothschild, and just last week, somebody sent me a free book to read and a whole bunch of little mini booklets to hand out at church, on how to end human trafficking.  

I have plenty of time to spare, but I might run out of room in my house.  

All that being said, I thought I would share what books are currently on my nightstand.

1.  Hinds Feet In High Places, by Hannah Hurdard.  I LOVE this book!  My friend Abbey pretty much forced me into reading it (ha!) and I love it.  It's not that old, but the way that it's written is old fashioned.  It's written as an allegory.  

2.  Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World, by Joanna Weaver.  I shared about this book on Monday, on social media.  I made it to the halfway point last night and hope to finish it today.  I want to loan it to a friend I will see tomorrow.  It's about slowing down and taking the time to rest at the feet of Jesus, and clearing our lives of busyness and worry.

3.  One Year Book of Devotions.  I just picked this one back up recently.  I was craving a morning devotion, so I started this one last week.  Each day has a verse and a story.  I don't always do these, and that's not all of the Bible that I read.  I recently stopped reading the Bible in its chronological way because I was not paying attention to what I was reading.  So while I am reading everyday, I pick a portion.  Yesterday I read a bit in Titus, 1 and 2 Timothy.  Today I am reading Philippians.

4.  Secrets, by Robin Jones Gunn.  This one is short, fictional and mindless, because that's what I need before falling to sleep.

I'm also trying to finish a book we're doing in community group on Sunday nights, but I'm not including that one.

Some other great ones I've read lately are:

1.  A Little Salty To Cut The Sweet, by Sophie Hudson.
2.  Home Is Where My People Are, by Sophie Hudson.
3.  Nobody's Cuter Than You, by Melanie Shankle.
4.  Multiply, by Francis Chan.

And lastly, what I'll be reading next:

1.  Sparkly Green Earrings, by Melanie Shankle.
2.  The Yada Yada Prayer Group Series, by Neta Jackson.  (There are 6 or 7 in this series, and this will be my third time to read through them.  They are my favorite.)
3.  No Longer A Slumdog, by K.P. Yohannan
4.  Where The River Runs, by Kelly Minter.  

Out of that last list, I already own them all, except for the top one, which I ordered this morning. 

I get stuck on authors sometimes, and will read everything they've ever written.  I also make myself read all throughout the day.  Let's face it~homeschooling four boys does NOT take seven hours everyday, and when they're working, I have a rule about trying to stay home.  I do not sit and watch television all day, either, and there is only a certain kind of "clean" you can get your house to.  So I read.  While they do their work, I am either piddling around in the kitchen and cleaning or organizing it, or I'm doing my Bible study homework, or I'm reading and taking notes.  I am very disciplined about what I let myself do or what I don't let myself do (binge watch Netflix everyday), and if I'm reading, I'd like it to be helpful, so I take notes.  

I have the time because of those things listed above and I read really quickly.

I realize that this doesn't work for everyone, but it's what works for me.  And it gives you a glimpse into me that makes me seem really weird and freakish.  I am appalled to tell you that my family does not share my love for reading.  In fact, they pretty much despise it.  They do read, though, because I make them.  Currently Jonah is reading an autobiography on LeBron James and Noah is reading a fiction book by Mike Lupica.  Graham and Drew are not reading anything at the moment, but we might change that later today.

I've been asked these questions in the past, which is what compelled me to write this lengthy (and maybe boring, to some of you) post.  I always love talking about books, though, so it was easy for me to write.  :)  

Thanks for reading!  Love to all.   

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