Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday Favorites

This has been a great week~I let my kids have the week off from school work because the public school kids are out on Fall break.  I wasn't going to give them the week off at first, but then I remembered that we aren't on a time schedule, and we are doing really good at keeping up this year.

I thought I would share some of my most favorite moments from this week.


Monday night we watched Insidious 1 and 2.  That was a definite favorite from this week.  It's been years since I've watched a good suspenseful movie and hanging with these two was the icing on the cake.  I am so thankful for my sweet friend Scottie and our friendship.  We go way back.  I believe the Lord made our paths cross again when He paired us together to co-teach our girls on Sunday morning.


Walking the zoo with these ladies was another favorite.  They were looking for land and I was falling out of the boat.  :)  When the youth paired off into groups, the four of us were left standing, so we took off together.  All of us saw something we really wanted to see~the Teton trek, the sea lions, the pandas, the cats and the penguins.  We only had a couple of hours there, but we made good use of our time and had a blast being together.


I usually write in a small journal, but when I ran out of pages in the one I was using, I came across this notebook at Target.  I am loving the big size of it, like a regular spiral notebook.  I write a lot, so the bigger pages come in handy.  I journal prayers, favorite passages of Scripture, thoughts, funny moments from our day and I keep up with what we do when we're on vacation.  I love to write, it's therapeutic for me, and I have a hundred old journals all over my house.  I've been doing this faithfully for ten years now.  I also write a lot to remember something God has done in my life.  It strengthens your faith when you read back over things you otherwise might have forgotten.


I decided yesterday that I need to get back to memorizing Scripture.  I usually take one full year and do one thing or another~memorize Scripture or read the Bible through in its entirety~but I really miss the practice of memorizing God's word.  So yesterday when I was reading in James, I decided that what I read was so awesome and practical and applicable to my daily life, that I should just commit it to memory.  So I did.

To do this, I pulled out my trusty little note cards.  :)

I like the note cards because they're small and easy to keep nearby.  I can put it in my purse, or in my car or on the table beside where I always sit in our living room.

If you scroll down on my blog, you will see some months with numbers beside them.  Those are some of my earlier blog posts.  They start with the oldest posts and are in order from there.  I read some of them last night and laughed and laughed at some of what I written.  You can so tell that my kids were much younger in those days.

Thanks for reading!  I am linking up to Momfessionals and A Little Bit of Everything.

Love to all!


  1. Great post Jennifer!! You motivate me to continue my blog as I am just restarting from a few years ago.

  2. Thanks, Lori! I'm glad I can motivate someone to write, especially when they love the art as much as I do. :) I'll be glad to have another bloggy friend!


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