I can't believe I haven't posted since Thursday. This blog can be a little obsession of mine, so I would say I've done a good job at staying off! :) I'll pick up with Thursday, where I left off.
We had our homeschool group that day, and we are studying the spiritual gifts. One of my top gifts is the gift of helps and our teacher asked me to talk for a few minutes about that. I do not love standing in front of a large group and sharing, but I prayed beforehand about it, and I muddled my way through. You have no idea how huge that is~speaking is not my thing. Writing is. :)
I got a call from my sweet, sweet neighbor telling me that I didn't need to worry about dinner that night~she had made chili for us! Can you even believe how thoughtful that was? It made my week!
Friday found us wrapping up a good week of work for the boys and visiting with my dad. It has been so nice here the past week~fall has finally arrived and we are loving the cooler temperatures. Sometimes, it's so nice outside, that you just have to sit out there for a bit.
I finally got around to hanging my new door decor.
And the boys cut the yard for the last time this year.
I adore this picture of Jonah cutting the grass. Sunglasses on, earbuds in. ;) He was jamming to some music while he was working.
I ran the boys up to the church to make their deposits for the Guatemala mission trip this coming spring~thus securing their spot in the group of twenty-five!
My in-loves invited us to dinner Friday night. It was delicious! We went to a place out in Brunswick that has catfish on Friday nights. Drew flirted with the waitress and she flirted back by messing around with his hair.
Saturday morning, my sister invited me to go out with her and my mom for a bit. :) We went to the state beauty supply place and I might have replenished the bottles of OPI I recently had to throw away.
My sister bought me this one~Skating On Thin Ice-Land. I replaced the bottle of my favorite color ever, and I got a new bottle of top coat. Yes, I have a problem. But I only paid $4 for a bottle. That's cheaper than getting the Walmart kind.
Please, please, please forgive me for posting this picture of myself, but I had to take it and share it to show you that I felt like I looked like a giant candy corn. I die every time I wear this shirt~if you know me at all, you know that I am not a bright shirt-wearing kind of person. I tend to want to fade in the background and I stick to earthy tones~browns, black, blues, greens and grays. I make myself wear this, though, because it was a gift and it is really comfy.
Also, it was proof that I was having a really good hair day. Those are few and far between.
I went to dinner with a friend Saturday night, and I think we could have talked for a few more hours. We almost went to a movie, but it's probably good that we didn't, since we talked each other's ears off the whole night! ;)
Sunday found us at church bright and early. Todd worked the airshow in Millington and we missed out. We had to be at church at four for a corn maze with the youth, though, so it was fine.
I got to play chauffeur to these sweeties~they're part of my community group on Sunday night. I have known most of them since kindergarten and I adore them.
I mean, can you even stand how beautiful all of them are? I cannot. They also happen to be a tiny bit of crazy, which makes them even more fun.
I cannot believe these two guys are in the youth now. It doesn't seem like it should be possible! We had a great night~it's always so much fun to be with the youth. And not just because of the teenagers, although they are amazing, I also feel like I'm with my best friends when I'm with this group. All of the leaders are really close, and it's fun to be together.
Today has been a good day of school...we're doing some cramming in of subjects this week because we're leaving town Thursday. We're going camping with a huge group of people and I've been organizing all my lists this morning.
This morning they did Bible, current events, geography and history, personal finance, home economics, writing, chemistry and math.
That is combined for all of them.
Don't you love all my fun-colored lists? I have one list of other lists I have to make! I know it sounds crazy, but going camping is a lot of work, and since we're going somewhere four hours away, it's not like we can come get something we forget. And we have forgotten things before, one time it was extra blankets and we froze the first night! Todd had to make a trip home the next day to get them. We'll be gone for three nights, so it takes a lot of thought and organization for this to go down smoothly. I try to think of everything and make a list for it, so that we can spend just a few hours pulling it all together the day before.
The plan is for us to shop on Wednesday after the boys finish their school work, then we'll come home and pack. I will have everything ready to go by Thursday morning, with the exception of the refrigerated items, and the cooler full of ice. Todd will get the cooler ready and he will load everything while we go to our homeschool group. We will leave our group as soon as their second hour of classes ends, and we hope to leave by two at the absolute latest.
I can't wait to get there and just sit by the fire. We'll be doing a little bit of hiking to some water falls, so I am really, really anxious to just get there. I know it'll be fun, as usual!
Well, that was a monstrous sized post. If you're still reading, congratulations! You made it to the end. :)
Love to all.
Monday, October 20, 2014
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the Wednesday hodgepodge
Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce today for the weekly hodgepodge. I always love this day of blog reading, and I ho...

Happy Saturday, friends! Is there anything cozier than a snow day (or several)?? I figured today is as good a time as any to bring back th...
Happy Thursday, friends! I'm so glad you're here today to link up with Joanne, Marilyn, Tanya, and me. I also hope that all of you...
Happy Friday, friends! I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for today's blog post. How has your week been? Mine has been good,...
We are loving the cooler weather too!! I can finally bring out my boots and puffer vests. ;-) I love your new nail polish color. I need to get out and buy some new fall colors. I have mostly hot pinks. Your "candy corn" shirt made me laugh. I didn't even think that until you mentioned it. I LOVE your lists and more lists. That is so me. Of course, they have to be multi-colored too!! I hope you guys have a great and safe camping trip!!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Shari! I am so excited about our camping trip~I think I succeeded in making all my lists yesterday. Today I am catching up on housework (so I can leave my house clean) and laundry. We still have a busy couple days ahead, but Thursday night when we're all settle around the campfire, it'll all be worth it! I've deemed this trip "electronics free". I am allowed to use mine, only for pictures.