Wednesday, October 15, 2014

another little bit (or a lot) of random post

I wish I had never known about Twizzlers Filled Twists.  I mean, the bag says "low fat snack", but I am verging on the brink of ridiculousness.  For some people, it's candy corn, for me, it's these little bits of evil.

We caught up on 19 Kids and Counting today.  Or as my husband calls them, 538 Kids and Counting.  Say what you want to about them, but I love them.  I'm really excited about next week's episode~Jill's wedding!

Before I watched the three episodes, I painted my toes and my nails.  :)  It was time for a change...I get tired of the same old colors after a while.  I pulled out my Every Month Is Oktoberfest.

Yes.  I take pictures of my bottles of nail polish.

I'll also use the above picture to tell you about the book I've been reading~The 7 Best Practices For Teaching Teenagers The Bible.  (That was a mouth full.)  The youth pastor at our church gave copies of this book to all of us who teach Bible Fellowship classes.  I am so grateful to be a part of working with the teenagers in our church.  What makes it even better is the fact that the leaders care so much about these teens, that they make sure we are giving them our all.  This book is filled with facts like starting with ourselves~if we don't spend time in the Word and with God, then teaching teenagers is impossible.  And of course I can't remember any right this moment.  It's a really great book, though.  I'm halfway through it.

My kids requested fried bologna for lunch.  It's a rare treat, but the house smelled kinda yuck after I cooked it, so I lit this delicious smelling candle.

I had a bowl of leftover loaded baked potato soup.

Because today (Finally!) feels a bit like Fall.  It's been really rainy here the past several days, and that brought in cooler temperatures.  If it takes rain to do that, then bring it.  I am officially over warm weather.

We are counting down the days until next Thursday!  We were invited to go camping with some friends of our neighbors.  Jonah and Noah went camping last Halloween with Alex, their best friend who lives on our street.  Their family goes with a huge group of people every year and this year we were invited.  I can't wait!  We're going to Petit Jean, which is somewhere in the mountains in Arkansas.  I've been watching the weather and it should be perfect~sunny and sixties in the day and the low fifties and forties at night.  I haven't been camping in a year and a half, so it's long overdue!  We'll leave on Thursday afternoon, after our homeschool group and return on Sunday evening.

Jonah went looking for Crash's toys today and found all of them.  Most were under pieces of furniture, but the big green ring was buried in the backyard.  I don't know how he found it, but Crash has been licking the thing ever since.  It's been about a month since we've seen it inside.

Yes, you counted seven toys.  He is beside himself and doesn't know which one to play with first.

I am sad to be wearing shoes other than flip flops.  I mean, not really, since it's cooler, but a little.  I sent my mom a text saying just that, and she totally got it.  It can be thirty something degrees outside and she and I both will be wearing flip flops inside.  I am so her child.

My sister Debi turns a year older tomorrow!  She is celebrating in New York City and is getting to do some really cool things while she's there.  I talked to her for five minutes earlier and she told me their cab driver was trying to kill them and that she was clinging to the door.  I can so see her freaking out in the backseat of a cab in New York!  I wish I was with her.

I really, really, really want to celebrate my birthday in NYC.  Not this year, but maybe my fortieth.  That gives me a couple years to dream and save.  I want to go with my best friend~we talked about this the last time we were together and we talked about all that we wanted to do while we were there.  We want to go in December, when it's cold and can see the Rockefeller Center tree.  And we want to see at least one Broadway play.

And...speaking of oldest boys are wanting to go on their first mission trip this coming spring!  Graham wanted to go last year, but missed out because he missed the deadline.  Be looking for a post about this soon~they are going to be sending out fundraising letters in the next couple of weeks.  Graham has already got a hundred dollars from sweet missionary friends who sponsored him when they were here last year.  (Can you even believe their generosity?  I cried when he told me.)  Anyway...they will be going to Guatemala to work with a children's home, Casa Aleluya.  I am excited for them!

Well...I have to run Graham up to church, so I have to cut this short.  Thanks for reading!  Love to all.

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a few random things on a Tuesday

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