Tuesday, September 2, 2014

what's on...

My project list.

I thought I would start something new and fun (for me), because I talk about the same old things all the time on this blog.  I was supposed to get started yesterday, but better late than never, right?  We will be going out of town for a week on Sunday, so this week, I have lots and lots of projects going on, but what about the rest of September?

1.  This week I will be all about lists~packing, food, vacation dinner menu, what to tell Chandler when he house and dogs sits for us~so I will start working on my many lists today.

2.  I will also start the process of getting things 'vacation ready', meaning that we will be keeping things clean around here all week.  I like leaving my home nice and clean so when I come home it's the same way.

3.  Vacation stuff aside, I have GOT to better at meal planning.  September through February are my favorite meal planning months.  I love the cooler nights we'll be having, and I love ALL THINGS FALL.  :)

4.  I really, really want to paint my kitchen cabinets.  My husband promised me that we would do this task this year, and I am going to hold him to it.  My only problem is that I cannot decide on a color.  I've gone back and forth between white, black and grey.

5.  I always feel like my closets in this house are a mess.  Probably because they are, with the boys around.  I would really like to remedy that problem this month.  I'm hoping to get the playroom closet all cleaned out and organized.  It's a huge closet that gives me nightmares every time I think about it.

6.  I want to decorate for Fall!  I have a few things laying around in the attic that I might pull down this week.  If not this week, then definitely the week we return home from our trip.

7.  I need to assign jobs for my kids to prevent all their arguing.  They drive me bonkers with the bickering they do over who does what and when.  I was talking to some friends about this Sunday night, and I am glad it's not just me who battles her kids over this.  I might start working on that today.

8.  I want to paint my front door.  The kids and I can knock this out in a day.

And because I can't think of anymore, I'll be done.  That might not seem like a huge list, but I like to start small so I can expand if I finish what's already there.  I need to get moving~we are all dragging this morning!  Love to all.

(I'm linking up to Momfessionals.)

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