Thursday, September 4, 2014

what's for dinner Thursday

Because, why not?  Truthfully tonight, I either wanted a pizza from Costco with a Caesar salad or I wanted to eat at Chick Fil A for our homeschool group's spirit night.  Neither of those things happened, and now that I'm sitting here stuffed, I'm glad.

Drew was my hungriest kid tonight, so he got to pick what kind of dinner he wanted.  He was asking if we could go to Chili's or Subway or Texas De Brazil.  ???  He chose Mexican food.  We made a quick run to Kroger for all the goodies then came home and he made the meal.

We made this tonight.  Mexican enchilada casserole.

(Photo credits go to Mix and Match Mama.)  If you want the recipe, click on her name and it'll take you straight to her website.

It was amazing.  And Drew did a great job of making his first dinner.  All I did was guide him in how to put it all together.

Another new thing I made tonight is homemade salsa.  I love, love, LOVE salsa.  I love it even more when it's an awesome homemade recipe.  This one was, and it was super easy.  My friend Belinda made some last Sunday night for our community group and she shared her recipe with me.  If you're interested, here's her recipe:

2 cans of Mexican stewed tomatoes
1 can of Mexican tomatoes
1 small can of green chile's

Blend all this together (I used my food processor) and pour into a container, covering the top with a heavy layer of garlic powder.  I tasted it at this point and added a tablespoon of salt and chopped some fresh cilantro to garnish it with, probably a couple tablespoons' worth.  If you like sugar in your salsa, you can add two tablespoons of sugar instead of the salt, but I prefer mine with salt.

It was delicious.  We finished off an entire bag of tortilla chips and a gallon (almost) of tea.  Have I ever told you that we go through two gallons of tea a day?  We do.  All my family drinks is water, tea and milk.  We no longer buy soft drinks, so I've had to jack up the amount of tea I make daily.  My kids make it, actually.  Thanks to my awesome hubby for teaching them, while I was recovering from my hysterectomy.

How was your dinner?  Do you have a recipe you'd love to share?  I'd love to hear about it!  I'm going to start making my Thursday's the "what's for dinner" installment on the blog.  That being said, leave a comment and let me know how your dinner was.

Love to all!


  1. I am excited about your new weekly feature. Tonight we had chicken marinated in Zesty Italian dressing. It is one of Kendall's favorites. We also made these seasoned potato wedges - I was excited because her picture looked like the KFC potato wedges which are my favorite!! Mine didn't look anything like her picture. They were ok, but not going in our regular rotation. Then we also had Mrs. Schubert's Parker House rolls.

  2. My kids love that kind of chicken. We usually end up grilling it~that's my favorite way. I could eat chicken every night of the week, but my family does not feel that way, so I try to mix it up a little. Another love of theirs is pork chops. I'm thinking we'll do that in a couple weeks, when we're home from vacation. That Pinterest fail~I've had a few of those myself! Ha!


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