Monday, August 4, 2014

Happy Un-School Day!

I loved seeing all my friends' pictures of their kids first day of school pictures.  I had this great idea to let them write signs that said, "Homeschool Perks" and I was going to let them sleep in and take their pictures with their signs propped up on them.  None of that happen, except for this.

Just your average, typical day.  :)  And yes, they still have Christmas lights in their room.  Why not?  They serve as their night light.  And they also all still sleep in the same room.

We did not start school today.  I'm waiting on curriculum to arrive, so we'll start next week.  Today I prepared for next week and we all cleaned off our book shelves.  Drew is SO my child and wanted to do this two weeks ago, but I made him wait.

He has the same bug I do.  The one that makes us love to organize.  It might not look like much to your eyes, but in my world, this is a million times better than what it was this morning.  I took out everything we won't be using this year and it's in a pile (a nice, organized one) in my dining room, waiting to be returned to the owners.

Notice my jar o'Sharpies.  :)  Pure happiness in a glass jar.  I still need to buy some school supplies and will do that Friday.  And no, I did not buy them this weekend when they were tax free, because I would rather cut off my right arm than to fight that crowd.  And I shop at Wal-Mart, and that along with the fact that the crowd would be more than I could handle forced me to wait until a more reasonable time.

I know.  I have issues.  You don't have to tell me that.

We got out after lunch to run a bunch of errands, one of which was going to the library.  I made let them all pick out books to read.  Our last stop was Kroger, to get the items I needed for dinner.  Drew requested chicken parmigiana.  (And yes, that is the correct way to spell that word, at least according to my handy-dandy spell check.)

After dinner, some families watch TV together, but in our family, the guys play Clash Of Clans.  I don't get the obsession with the game, but they all love it.  And I think it's funny that they're so obsessed.

Isn't it strange that on the same day that my friends' kids start school, I am over summer colored nail polish?  Like I couldn't take it for another minute.  I had this robin's egg blue type color on my hands and feet, and I was sick of it.  So today I pulled out my fall colors and fixed that problem.

I mentioned to my community group last night that I have an addiction to nail polish.  I really do.  But I do, on occasion, throw out some old bottles I have.  Today I did that...even though it made me shudder.

Doing this one little task made me realize how much I love all things fall, and I'm thinking that in a week or so, I might start putting out some fall decorations!  If it makes me happy, why not?  I don't do that at Christmas~start early, I mean~but why not during my most favorite season of all?

That was our fun and exciting day.  Can you even believe how amazing our lives are?  ;)  (Said with tongue in cheek.)  It was really quiet around here, but it was really nice.  Tomorrow will not be spent in the same way at all, so today was a nice breather.

Love to all!


  1. It sounds like you had a great un-school day! My kids had a pretty good first day. It felt so weird with them all being gone. I just wasn't ready for them to go back! LOVE your organized book case!! I have lots of organizing to get done around here. Hopefully I can get started on that tomorrow. I think if you love fall, then bring those decorations out. I LOVE Christmas and put out so much that I always start early so I have time to relax and enjoy it all. I don't care what anyone else thinks. The kids and I LOVE it!

    1. It was a great day, Shari! I am so glad your kids had a good day, I prayed for the kids of all my friends today, so it's good to hear that. Oh, know my love of organization! It made my heart so happy to do this today. I hope you get to yours tomorrow, I know you are just like me! I could not agree more, if it makes us happy,, why not? I would decorate early for Christmas if it were up to me, but the 5 people I live with outnumber me. They are sticklers for tradition, and they love doing the tree the Friday after Thanksgiving. Speaking of that day, we have something new we're going to do this year! I can't wait to share about it!


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