Wednesday, July 30, 2014

today (& a little bit of yesterday)

Yesterday I slept in a little and did some things around the house.  Fun things, like vacuuming.  ;)  I was basically lazy until eleven thirty, then I had to leave soon after that to drive part of the youth group to Incredible Pizza.


Naturally, I documented the occasion with a picture.  (I'm really not into myself, I promise.  I took this picture to send to Todd, because he laughs at my love of driving the church bus.)  

I am so glad my friend had to drive kids in her van, because had she not been there, I would've been bored out of my ever-lovin' mind.  I do not love Incredible Pizza.  And yes, I had my book to read, just in case.  ;)  I don't leave home without it, usually.

After we got home, the older boys had discipleship group.  They came home with a friend to spend the night.  Before they did that, though, Drew texted me this picture.  

He said they were just hangin' out.  Pun intended.  ;)  This is Drew's friend, Andrew.  He's a really great young man.

Today was my most favorite kind of day...the kind when I spend time organizing.  I have this cabinet in my kitchen that makes me crazy, so I spent a good two hours cleaning out and organizing it.  I threw away a bunch of junk, and I created a better area for me to put my things that I would usually keep out on my kitchen counter.  

I also did a little laundry and I finished a book.  I've been more intentional about being off the computer and my phone, so when I have down time during the day,I've been picking up my book to read.  I can't wait to start the new one I got out of my room.  Yes, I have many books that I've not yet read in my room, on the bookshelf.  It's my own little personal library.  When I find an author that I love with a cheap book, I buy it.  This was one $2.99 from Lifeway.

I found a picture on my phone from community group two weeks ago.

I'm not sure how they were able to pull off swiping my phone long enough to do this, but then I remembered that this was the night that some teenage boys decided it would be funny to chase me with a spider.  I almost cried.  And I screamed like a wild woman.  

Tonight we went to church and I sat in the lobby, on the couch and talked to my friends.  I love nights like these.  I usually go to a class, but I somehow left all my stuff at home, and that just gave me an excuse to sit out in the lobby.  

And now...I am going to read.  :)  Love to all!


  1. Come on over and help me get organized since you love it so much! I am usually so organized and ready for back to school by now, but not this year. Love that beautiful picture of you!

  2. My motto is to take it one area at a time...I usually start in my kitchen, because I am in there the most. That leads to my laundry room, because it's right off the kitchen, and because it's teeny tiny. :) Thanks for the sweet words!


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