Wednesday, July 23, 2014

At this moment...


I am listening to Graham and Drew battle it out during a game of Risk.

(I love when my kids choose things like this over electronics.)

I am waiting on my nails to dry.  The color?

I had to include Crash photo-bombing and my favorite bracelets in all of the world.

I am listening to K-Love.  Music always trumps television in our home.

Andy the Wonder Dog is pacing the floor.  He's a little nervous because the weather alert on the radio just went off.  He hates loud and unexpected noises.  I don't know how he survives in this house!

I am loving my prayer notebook.

I've been super intentional about praying in the mornings, and I love recording needs and look forward to noting answers to prayer.  I was able to note one answer to prayer this morning, and I was so happy about it, that I had chills on my arms and tears in my eyes.

I am missing the times I spent with youth over the course of this summer.  I look forward to more coming up in the fall!

For #waybackwednesday on Instagram and Twitter, I posted this picture of me from Street Reach.  This was the day that teenage girls banged on my shower door asking me how much longer I was going to be, that they were all waiting on me to drive them in the church bus to Jerry's Sno Cones.  Hence the no makeup and drippy hair.  I literally threw on clothes and ran to the bus.  And this girl does not run.

I am now listening to Graham play his drums.  I guess they ended the game they were playing.

I am hearing these two chase each other around the house.

Her new favorite spot is on the dog bed.  Crazy cat.

What are you doing at this moment?  I'd love to hear from you!  I feel like it's crickets chirping on the ole blog.  Feel free to leave comment love.

Love to all!


  1. I always feel like I am talking to myself on my blog. I read yours all the time, just don't always take time to comment. I will be better about that! Right now... I am catching up on my blog reading while I wait for the deep fryer to heat up so we can try an easy recipe for dinner that I found on Pinterest. :)I am still in total denial that summer is coming to an end so soon. I swear it has flown by!!

  2. Thanks for the comment love, Shari! I will admit that I don't always comment either...I need to eat my own words! ;) The deep fryer and Pinterest sound like a yummy and dangerous combination. Ha! I's so hard to believe. We don't dread the end of summer anymore, though...we're usually (almost) ready to get back to our school. I am thankful for that!


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