Wednesday, June 4, 2014

the pictures from my phone's camera (it should really say my 'camera's phone', which is way more appropriate and true)

I have taken several pictures the past few days that I haven't posted to social media.  Since I have nothing else to write about, I thought I would make a post all about the pictures on my phone.

First up, a picture from Drew's camp from the weekend.  I totally took a screen shot of this guy Chandler's Instagram post, so please forgive that.  It's his picture, not mine, but it's the best picture of my boy!

God did something so huge in the lives of these boys over those few days they spent on the beach.  Every one of them came back different.  I am so proud of all of them!  And does Drew not look amazing?  I believe he does.  ;)  The guy that took this picture is such a Godly young man!  His example in the lives of these middle schoolers goes a long way.

Second on the list of pictures is one that Graham posted on Instagram.  Are you seeing a theme?  I took a screen shot of this one as well.

Nice room with an even better view, right?  Must be nice.  Their camps are so much different from the one I grew up going to!  There is absolutely no comparison between the two.

Thirdly is the yummy fruit we had with our lunch today.

For your information, Kroger in The Ville has these on sale for $1.19.  I got one, but I'm thinking I should have gotten two.

Fourthly is Crash.  I took Jonah and Noah to their friend's house today and he rode with us.   I let him stick his head out the window and he was so excited that he was shaking.  This is the picture of pure, unadulterated joy.

Why yes, that is a reindeer air freshener you see.  Don't judge.

After I ate lunch and did some Bible study homework, I took a nap.  I took a selfie of me laying on the couch because I was going to text it to Toddley, but then I changed my mind.  And I will spare you that image.

Last on the list is my current nail polish.  It's Marshmallow by Essie.

Before all this happened, I had my last post op appointment.  I don't have to see my doctor again for a whole year!  Which is kinda funny, because I'm almost at the one year mark that this long journey with my problems started.  I really am married to my Super Man...not only is he my hero, he deserves the husband of the year award.  I am so thankful that the Lord was with me through it all~iron infusions, iron shots, many medications~one of which that debilitated me for an entire month, an ablation, more problems, then surgery.  He truly never leaves us nor forsakes us!  Over and over again He showed me that His timing is perfect and His ways are good.  He is always so faithful, but in the last year I have had to lean on Him as never before.  Mixed in with all the issues I was having were also some scares with my blood pressure and heart and some cancer scares.  I've had EKG's and I've had several (SEVERAL) biopsies.  Praise God it is all behind me now, but because of this last year, I have grown in my relationship with Him.

When I started reading the Bible chronologically in January, the Lord started showing me that I had trust issues with Him.  Sure, I thought I trusted in Him, but I found out I really didn't.  I only trusted Him to do what I wanted, and on my terms.  But He doesn't work like fact, He often strips me down to nothing but just me and Him.  When I have nothing else to stand on, I can stand on Him, my Rock, my Redeemer, my Strength and my Strong Tower.  When I am weak, then I am strong, as Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians.  I am weak on my own, but with the Lord standing beside me, I am strong!

So...all that to say that He is good, all the time.  Even if things had turned out much differently for me health wise, if those biopsies had not been benign, He is still good.  Praise God that when I breathe my last breath here on this earth, my real life will just be starting.  Because the things in this world are temporary~the good stuff happens when we pass from this world into Glory (Heaven).  I am not scared of death because of what lies ahead for me.  (And for you too, if you so choose.)

I praise Him for his goodness.  And I pray that these words reach deep into the heart of someone who needs them tonight.  Don't ever give up, instead, give it all to Him.

I will leave you with one more picture, a couple of verses I just so happened upon today.

Love to all.

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