Sunday, June 22, 2014

a little weekend

This has been the craziest week for my family, but what an amazing week.  Two little girls from our backyard kids club site prayed and accepted Jesus into their hearts.  That is so awesome!  We finished out strong on Thursday night, so Friday was all about a little rest...well, not really, but I did sleep late.

The boys and I went to church to help out with something for our inner city mission trip this week, then I had to take Jonah and Noah to the doctor.  Jonah has a nasty ear infection and Noah has poison ivy.  :/  I was glad I took Jonah especially, because he was in horrible pain.  Poor little guy.

This was him Friday night...they had gone to their friend's basketball game and dinner.  He was anxiously awaiting the ibuprofen to kick in at this point and had just gotten over crying.  Thanks to lots of prayer, the medicine kicked in and he slept really good all night.

And Saturday he woke up feeling lots better.

We had a wedding to go to yesterday!  Todd's friend and coworker got married...I do love a good wedding!  I always cry in them.

Most days I am nothing more than an emotional train wreck.  Hence the sappy feelings over people getting married.  Yesterday was no exception.

We went to the reception afterward and I made Toddley pose with me.

I love this man dearly.  He is loud and he sometimes embarrasses me publicly, like when he was singing "How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You" to me at the top of his lungs, but he makes me laugh and we just have fun together.  And as much as he hates taking pictures, he will always do it for me without complaining.  :)  Because I'm magic like that.

After the wedding we went to my mom's and step-dad's.

We had some amazing chicken wings and the boys and Big Daddy did this for about an hour.

Look at what Drew caught...and check out the photography skills.  His ability amazes me.  He took some more that were just as good, but this is the only one he posted to social media.  It was a great night.

We had to go to Walmart after we left their house at 8:30 to get things for Street Reach.  We leave today at 2:30!  Please pray for us~for all the kids we'll be teaching and for our teenagers who are going.  There are several who have gotten sick the past couple days, and they need to get well!

I will not be back on a real computer until Friday night or Saturday, so I hope you have a wonderful week.  Thanks for the prayers for us!  Love to all.

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