Thursday, May 22, 2014

Wednesday & Thursday

It is very lonely in my house.  I was puttering around in my bathroom early this morning, and I glanced out the window that's in there and I felt so sad.  It is so quiet here without the boys.  My yard seems to be calling out to them, and the basketball goal has never gone this long without being used.

It's really sad and kinda pathetic.  When you are never away from your kids, and then you are, for days at a time, it's strange.  I don't love it, I'll be honest.

To make matters worse, they're not really doing much of talking to me.  Drew has sent me the most texts of all of them, and yesterday he sent me a ton of pictures.  I'll spare you all of them, except for two.  They went to the Tennessee Safari and loved it.

I love this bottom one.  I have no idea what that animal is, but look at her lashes!  I'm assuming it's a her, but I have no idea.  They went to the safari after they picked up their Nashville cousins.  I love that they're getting this time together!  They always have so much fun being with each other, I know they will have a blast the next couple days.

Yesterday I had lunch with my sweet friend Scottie.  She also drove me to my post-op appointment.  I got a great report from my doctor and she cleared me to start doing more, though I still have to take it somewhat easy.  I'm good with this, though~and I can definitely get out more now.  :)

The most important thing is that I will be fine when we leave in two weeks for our family mission trip.  I can't wait!

After I got back home, I crashed.  And watched bad television for the next few hours until my hubby came home.

See?  How lonely is this picture?  (I was playing around with the camera on my phone and a new app.)

Today on the list is a standing weekly lunch date with a friend from church, and that's about it.  I'm thinking about seeing if my favorite man wants to go to Costco tonight.  I started a list of things we need from there, and I would love to get out with him again.

Other things I'm doing today consist of reading, a little light cleaning, minimal laundry (Do you know how much less laundry and trash we make with all our kids gone?!) and I might work on de-cluttering some of my kitchen cabinets.  I have this one that stresses me out, and it is always getting junky.  Then again, I might not get any of this accomplished and I might just sit in front of the television again.  ;)  Well.  Speaking of all this, I'm going to get started.

For those of you who are still reading, thanks!  Some of you have been with me since the day I started this blog.  Thanks for all your sweet comments on here (sometimes) and on Facebook.  Those comments are so special to me, and I am thankful for you in my life.  Love to all.

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