Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Today has been a better day than I've had in a few...I am back on an anti-inflammatory medicine that I had unknowingly gotten off of too soon.  It does make a difference being back on it, and for that, I am thankful.  Saturday and Sunday did not end well for me, but last night was much better.  

We have had a long day of school over here today!  My kids have rocked at school this year, and we are wrapping things up today.  We have discovered that when we stop math, we forget a lot.  So because of that, we will take a break for a bit, then start back up at the end of June, hopefully.  Even if they only do a few pages of a chapter each week, I'm okay with that.  I see the benefits of continuous school, and why not?  Especially on those crazy hot days when they're bored with swimming and it's too hot to go outside.  

I am loving this season's Dancing With The Stars.  Have you watched it?  I watched last night's episode today and am amazed at all the talent.  The moral side of me wants Candace Cameron Bure to win.  Remember her?  She played DJ on Full House.  This week was icon week, and though she picked Angela Thomas as her icon, she then said that she is only dancing for an audience of One.  I love that she is so bold in her faith!  The normal side of me wants either Amy Purdee (an Olympic double amputee) or Meryl Davis (an Olympic ice-dancer) to win.  I think both of them dance better than Candace, but like I said, I love Candace's boldness.  

My hormones are going crazy.  (Just being honest.)  There is nothing quite like crying all over your teenage and pre-teenage sons.  Poor things.  They're handling it like champs and not being too freaked out by all my antics.  :/  I don't know that anyone warned me of this part of the surgery and recovery~or if they did, maybe not quite enough emphasis was placed on it!  It's a battle, fighting this...and honestly, when I'm about to have a full blown pity party, I have to pray my way out of it.  I am so glad the Lord already knows what's on my heart, so when I don't know what to pray or ask to get help, He already knows and understands when all I say is His name.  

Because of the crazy hormones, I'm really, really trying not to be a complainer and whine about my circumstances.  God is so good!  And He hears my every cry and He knows and collects all the tears.  Seriously, I am so thankful that I've had no complications, whatsoever.  I have heard so many stories from my friends, and not the good kind that you want to hear, of how things went so horribly wrong.  Praise God, that has not happened to me!  

I am so thankful that I've not had to worry about what was for dinner each night.  My sweet friend set up a take-them-a-meal account and we have meals coming through the end of May, three nights each week.  What a God send this has been!  Especially because I still can't stand for long periods of time.  My kids will be devastated when these meals end, because each meal consists of a main course, a salad, bread and dessert.  Needless to say, my little sweet-toothed Jonah has been in dessert heaven.  

A total random thing, also about Jonah, is the fact that he is obsessed with the Duggar family.  At least they're a good family to be obsessed with!  Seriously, though, the kid watches YouTube videos about them and their friends, the Bates family that lives in Tennessee.  He cracks me up.  He has such a vast array of useless knowledge.  Speaking of...the new episode comes on tonight!  Do you watch that show?  I love their family.  They were actually at Bellevue Baptist church here in Memphis a couple weeks ago.  If I had been able to go, we totally would have gone to that church that day, just to get to meet them.  

Well, that's about all I can think of for now.  I hope you're having a great day!  Love to all.

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