Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Memorial Day

At one time in my life, Memorial Day was just another day in the ringing in of summer.  (No judgment here, by the way, if you don't really do anything to observe this day.)  It's not that way anymore.  I don't really remember when it began to change, but in the time that we started having kids old enough to know what was going on, we started to actually observe this day for what it really is.

It might have started the first time we went to a Memorial Day ceremony at West Tennessee Veterans Cemetery.  I don't even remember how many years ago that was, it's been so long.  We've been back almost every year.  This past Monday was no different, and all of us went with my dad and step-mom.

The site of all these graves, so perfectly lined up, gives me chills.  We did this one year and were walking to place where we would be sitting and my dad just so happened to look down and see the tombstone of his friend and my old pastor, Billy McCarty.  He just knelt down by his  grave and sat for a moment.  I was blinking furiously, to keep from being a crazy mess.

A friend of mine posted a picture of her sister at the grave of her son, who was killed in Afghanistan a few years ago.  She was bent over, kissing his "forehead".  That picture kind of puts into perspective what this day is about, and especially when she reminded us that for her family, it wasn't just the official beginning of summer.  Her family were the first ones I thought about when I woke up that day, which prompted me to pray for the families of all the others who have lost loved ones.

(Which, by the way, this friend I am talking about is coming into Memphis this July!  We are in the process of putting together a family fun day out at my dad's house so our families can hang out.)

It's not a day out, without me taking a picture of my kids.  Not the greatest of pics, but you get the drift.  ;)

The boys were so glad they did a flyover this year.  The past couple years, this has not happened.

After the ceremony was over, we ate lunch at Steak Escape, then came home and relaxed.  Then we went to our neighbor's house to swim and cookout.

Signs that one of my favorite seasons has begun.  I'm so jealous~I have not swum yet this year and I am so wanting to!

It was a pretty awesome day.  We have been running around like crazy, and we've had some major changes in our summer plans, but I'll save that for a later date.  A nap is calling my name.  Love to all.


  1. Sounds like a great Memorial Day!! When are you able to swim? The pool isn't quite warm enough for me yet. I am wimpy and need it like bath water. LOL. Oh, you'll be proud of me though - I blogged today. First of many this summer - I promise! :-)

  2. It was! I am pretty sure that I am able to swim now. I hope so, anyway...I have a pool date scheduled next Tuesday! I cannot do below eighty degrees. That's pushing it, but I can suck it up if it's hot enough outside. Oh good! I just got on here to read blogs and yours was at the top. :)


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