Thursday, May 8, 2014

a random post

I had no idea this kind of boredom existed.  I am not one who is great at staying home days and days at a time.  It's been over a week since I have seen the outside of my house.  Praise God, I am doing really, really good.  My husband keeps reminding me that as bored as I may be, it's crucial to take this time and do what the doctor has ordered.  Otherwise, something could happen with my incision and I could have a giant setback.  I do not want that, so I am reminding myself to remain positive.  This image that I saw on the internet yesterday helped remind me.


Who in the world enjoys being around a complainer?  Not me.  I loved this saying that I came across.

The weather has been beautiful all week, and on Tuesday, I sat outside for a while.  Noah and Drew did, too.  Drew ended up coming inside to help make brownies, so while he was doing that, Noah was doing this:

He was enjoying something cold and sweet, and taking it all in.  The wind was gently blowing and the deck was in the shade.  He did this and I sat and read my book.  Well, and I took some pictures.  And Noah and I talked about things.

I can really sense the presence of the Lord when I am outside, enjoying the nature He has given to us.  I have some of my best prayer time outside, and there, I find it the easiest to praise Him.  How can I not, sitting under this magnificent tree?  Speaking of this, and seeing the sunlight peeking through the branches, I found a verse that I love last night.

"Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame."  Psalm 34:5

I love the thought of Him making my face radiant.  Who doesn't want to be described as that?  I also think of the passage in Exodus about how the glory of the Lord was evident on Moses.  That is how I want to be!

I read Psalm 34 last night, because I was quickly on my way to having a pity party.  The word of God is a good remedy to solve that problem, and last night it did the trick for me.  I haven't been reading the Bible enough lately, and I need to get back at it.  And journaling...I love writing in my journal.  I wrote down some verses last night that I loved in Psalm 34.  Sometimes I do this in an art journal that I have laying around.

My mom came over yesterday and ended up getting us lunch.  She did my laundry and she gave Drew a haircut.  He really needed a good trim.

Isn't he handsome?  My sister came over as well, and stayed until about 4:30.  I've enjoyed having various family members around and getting caught up.  I've also had a couple visitors, and I have loved that as well!  Today it's just the boys and me.  Dinner is already planned for tonight, all that needs to happen is for my family to all be back under one roof.

Well.  I am going to get dressed for the day, and I am going to read my Bible and maybe do some Bible study homework.  I hope your day is fabulous.  Love to all!

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