Monday, May 19, 2014

a little weekend, anyone?

This image below is from Thursday night~it was sunny, then it started raining and the boys started yelling that they found a double rainbow.  Isn't it beautiful?  The brightest one you see was amazing!  I don't know if I have ever seen every color in the rainbow, but on this night, I did!

I felt so much better this weekend~almost normal!  Whatever "normal" may be.  ;)  I had lunch with my dad, sister and boys on Friday, then I stayed home for the rest of the day.  It felt amazing to be out of my house!  I was just thankful to be feeling good enough to be out and about.  I was still careful, I didn't want to overdo things, so after lunch, I stayed home the rest of the day.

The boys spent that night with my in-love's, and Todd worked the barbecue fest downtown, so my sister Tricia came over and spent the night with me.  We watched two movies, one of which was The Lucky One that my friend Andrea loaned me.  It's so good!!  I love that movie, seriously...I may even watch it again today.

Saturday dawned bright and early, and Todd had to go to a class at our church.  Tricia had to work, so I was alone.  I enjoyed a few cups of coffee, and I searched for a color to use for my pedicure that I was going to get.  :)  It's been two years since I've had a pedicure, and though it was nice and I love the way they look, I was reminded of why I don't get them.  If it weren't for the fact that I still can't bend comfortably, I would not have gone to do this.  I have a problem with spending money on things like that, and I struggle with the thought of someone being at my feet.  I always feel so guilty, and this time I ended up praying for the girl almost the whole time.  Yes, I have issues.

We came home for a bit after the pedicure, then we went to my mom's and step-dad's for dinner.  For the first time in four weeks!  And I got behind the wheel of my suburban for the time in three weeks.  Maybe that's why Drew looked like this:

And no, he was not driving.  This is how the selfie camera on his phone placed us.  :)  He also snapped this one:

I love how everyone looks pretty normal, and then you see a band member of Kiss in the back seat.  Their grandparents took them to get their faces painted.  At one time they were all made up, but the other three boys took theirs off quickly.

Dinner was amazing!  I love my step-dad's cooking, and on this night he made chicken piccata.  In case you don't know, that's a lemon-y delicious sauce that is served over the chicken.  When we headed home that night, Drew got the wild idea that they should ding-dong-ditch his friend girl.

I took this picture of them walking down the street.  What is so funny is that they got caught!  Emma and her brother ran down the street to catch them, then they stood and talked for a while.  Crazy kiddos!

I continued to feel really good when I woke up Sunday morning, so I decided to go to church.  I have missed my girls so much and I have missed being in church!  It was so good to be back.

After church, Graham and Drew went with the youth to a Redbirds game.  And one of the guys in the youth took a ton of pictures of Drew and his friend girl.

I loved this one the most.  :)  Aren't they adorable?!

Jonah and Noah had their pinewood derby race last night, their last night ever of Awana.

The orange blur you see is Noah's car.

I love these kids so much!  I am so ready for Jonah and Noah to be in youth!  We have loved our kids department at church, but once your kids reach fifth grade, they are on the verge of being too old for the kids area but not quite old enough for youth.  It's a strange year for boys, at least, and it is time for them to be in youth.  I love all the friendships that this picture shows, and I love all the Chaco's you see.  Drew had some on, too, but you can't see his feet.

After I took this, it was time for Graham and me to leave for community group.  We took a carload of girls with us.  It was so good to be back with all these amazing teenagers!  Words cannot express how much I have missed being a part of their lives.  I'm excited about next week~we're meeting at Booya's to eat dinner and to celebrate the start of summer.  We'll continue to meet over the summer, but hopefully all the meetings will take place poolside.  So fun!

It was a great weekend.  Yesterday was long, though, and this morning I am sore.  I am thinking this day will be spent sitting right here at home.  I am going to try and go to Bible study tonight~hopefully I will feel up to it, which is why I'm going to take it easy today.

I hope you had a great weekend!  Love to all.

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