Monday, April 7, 2014


I'm on a roll with the titles, people.  ;)  I particularly like this title because it's so true.  This might be long, so bear with me!

I saw my sweet Daddy on Friday!  He was away from home for two weeks, when my sister Teri was in such critical condition.  (More on this subject in a few minutes.)  Before it was time for us to have lunch together, I took the boys to a store here called Kinnucan's.  Drew had birthday money that he wanted to spend on some Chaco's.  I took them and they were having an Easter egg hunt.  In the hidden eggs were three dollar off coupons, and in the golden egg was a $25 gift card.  Guess who found the golden egg?

Yup.  He purchased his own pair of Chaco's for $35.35.  That, my friends, is a deal.  He was so proud of himself!

After this we had lunch with Dad, then I had to leave them to go to a doctor's appointment.  Remember, before Christmas, when I had an ablation, because of all the issues I'd been having since last summer?  Well, the ablation didn't work, and all my problems started coming back, though nowhere near as bad.  Even with that little fact, I still needed to get this addressed, because I knew that with time, it would become that way once again.  So I went to doctor number four (finally, someone who listened), and once reading all my history, told me that she recommended a hysterectomy.  (This is way personal, I know.)  My surgery is scheduled for April 28th.

I am relieved that I can now see a light at the end of the tunnel.  It will be a blessing to have all this behind me, so I can carry on with a normal life once again.  And, I am so looking forward to a healthy summer, since last summer was not so much.

After my doctor's appointment I came back home and freshened up for our women's conference.  This took place Friday night and Saturday morning, and was so much fun!  I was really sad to see it come to an end, and I came away feeling so encouraged.  Because sometimes, we all need to be encouraged in our journey.  I had the privilege of singing with a sweet group of ladies for the whole conference...I have so missed being on a praise team!  Here are the ladies I sang with.

Left to right are Meg, Laurie, Brook, and yours truly.

We took some more pictures of our table before we left on Saturday.

Remember me talking about Drew's friend girl?  This is her sweet mama.  We laughed all weekend over our two crazy kiddos, and how awkward and adorable they are.

Saturday afternoon, I came home and crashed.  I was up early Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and after all those nights of not sleeping well, I was beat.  (That, and I'm still anemic, I'm sure.)  My house was empty, so I took advantage of the quiet.  I only took about a thirty minute siesta, then I got hooked on a show that is new to me, Parenthood.  Where have I been all these years?!  This is the best show!  I watched on our movie on-demand channel, and I can only watch season five, so if any of you people who read this have seasons one through four, I would love to borrow them!  I'm not subscribed to Hulu plus, but if I can find a free trial period, I might subscribe so I can get caught up.

We went to my mom's and step-dad's for dinner Saturday night (ribs!) and came home and I watched three more episodes before falling into bed.  Sunday came bright and early and we had to be at church at eight thirty for a meeting.  I woke up extra early to study our lesson and was totally convicted by the Holy Spirit to start memorizing Scripture again.  We're reading a book called Spiritual Disciplines and yesterday's lesson was on Bible intake...and three ways to do that are by memorizing Scripture, meditating on Scripture and then applying it to our lives.

So good!

So I chose Colossians 3:1 and 2 to memorize for this week, and my kids will be doing it with me.

I love my index cards.  I keep them in my purse so I can go over them again and again and again.  That is one of the keys to memorizing God's word.

We headed to Costco after church for some shopping and lunch.  Drew amused himself while we were there, by trying out the reading glasses.

 Later on I got to see one of my best friends, her mom and precious baby girl!

So happy and adorable and smiley!  Annalise REALLY liked my keys.  And she adores her Auntie Jen.  I'm pretty smitten with her as well.  We weren't together long, but I don't need long.  I just needed some face to face time with this beautiful lady!  She is one of the best friends I have ever had and she gives me the warm squishies.  :)

I get to see her again in September, when we go to Branson, Missouri for vacation!  Woohoo!

I came home and then took Drew to church for his youth group, and Graham and I left for community group.  We ended the video series we have been watching and had some good discussion.  And I laughed at this girl, who slept through it.

It was a long and busy weekend, but I was so blessed and encouraged by all that took place.  Today will be spent straightening up my messy house and doing other chores and just resting before the busyness starts again tomorrow.  We'll be hitting the books hard these next couple weeks, in an attempt to get ahead before my surgery.  It would be great if we could be done by then, but I'm not sure if that will happen.

About my sister Teri...she is back in the ICU.  And the ventilator is back in place.  She had an air pocket in her left lung, so now she has drain tubes in both her sides to help remove the fluid in her lungs.  Hopefully the vent can come back out in a few days, and we'll see where she is at that time.  Please continue to pray for her!  She still has pulmonary fibrosis in her lungs, which is not good.

Thank you for reading all these words.  Love to all.


  1. I am still reading blogs and need to write in mine again. I always love reading your blog. You totally encourage me!!! Have a wonderful day!

  2. You do, Katie! I love reading about your sweet family! Thank you for are always welcome to call me, my friend. I'm thankful for your friendship.


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