Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

It's been a long and a fast week.  I know, that makes no sense, but when your week has been kinda rough and you're counting down until your surgery, it both flies and drags.  Flies because there's still a tiny part of me that is nervous.  And it drags because it's been a crappy week.  Just being honest.  Between not feeling great, counting down until Monday and the fact that tomorrow is our last day of our homeschool group for this school year, it's been just kinda blah.

Anyway, because of these statements, I haven't blogged.  I have taken a few pictures, though.  Wanna see?  I'll give you the rundown on our week as I post pictures.

:)  I was bored and I took a selfie.  I'm still playing around with the camera on my phone.  (I just wrote 'phone on my camera' and had to delete it.  That's more accurate.)

Sweet Noah reading me Colossians 3:12-15.  This was part of their work for the week.  Drew and Jonah went to work with Todd, so it was just Noah, Graham and me.  Noah went to the store with my mom and then to lunch, so for a while, it was just Graham and me.  I am thankful for any alone time my kids get~either with me or with Todd or a grandparent.

I'm standing on this promise this week. It's good to know that the Lord goes before me!

This man was my #mcm, or Man Crush Monday.  This was when we were in Iceland, on the ferry taking us from Reykjavik to Westman Island.  I was SO SICK on this ferry ride, and so were lots of other people, because the North Atlantic Ocean was rough that particular day.  Go figure, and I had to be on the boat that traveled on it!  He had to come to my rescue a few times.  :)

Sigh.  Where has time gone?!  This was when they were six years old.

My index cards for Scripture memorization.  :)  I love how bright they are.  So far I've memorized Psalm 119:11, Colossians 3:1-2 and Colossians 3:12-13.  (I'm seeing a theme here.)  I worked on these verses on Monday afternoon.

On Tuesday, we wrote to our Compassion child.  I pulled out this letter he wrote us to read while I wrote to him.  It made me feel more connected to him.  :)

I ran a bunch of errands, then we went to my in-love's for dinner.  After dinner, everyone left us.  I enjoyed the quietness and sitting under this blanket while my mom-in-love and I caught up over brownies and a cup of coffee.

Somebody else enjoyed the time there, as well.  He laid on Mimi's blanket while we chatted.

My sweet, beautiful friend and co-teacher gave me this little coaster and the nicest card.  I love her...and am so blessed by her friendship!

Today my kids came to this house to do yardwork for the lady who resides here.  She is a widow and she has cancer, and the boys' student council is taking care of things for her right now, at least in her yard.  I'm hoping they get to do some work on her house, as well.  There were some rotten boards laying in her yard, so they carried them out to the street and raked her backyard.

I am so bummed that tomorrow is the last day of our homeschool group!  And I'm even more bummed because only two ladies who regularly attend my small group are returning next year.  These ladies have become so precious to me, and I will be so sad to see tomorrow end.  :(  I am excited about the fact that we are having a girls' night out Friday night.  And hopefully, we'll keep it up throughout the summer and coming months.

Well, that's about all we've been up to.  Thanks for reading.  Thanks for praying for me.  Love to all.


  1. Jennifer what type of surgery will you be having?

  2. I'm having a hysterectomy! Cannot wait for it to be all over and done with!


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