Saturday, April 26, 2014


In preparation of my surgery on Monday, I started off yesterday cleaning.  And by cleaning, I don't really mean 'cleaning', but putting things in order at my house.  My sister Lisa is here packing up her house, because she's moving to Colorado.  She gave me tons of stuff the other day~spices, pantry food, refrigerated food, towels and blankets.  I got everything put away except for the pantry food and spices.  Those are the only two areas I haven't gotten organized yet, so that is what I'll be doing today.  Yesterday was the rest of the house.

Also on my to-do list today is to buy what I need for tomorrow, to prepare for surgery.  Blech.  Hopefully it won't be too terrible, but I don't plan on leaving my house at all the whole day.  I can eat, but only clear liquids~jello, broth, things like that.  I can even have coffee!  I'll survive, I'm sure.  ;)  I tell you this, so you can pray for me tomorrow, too!

After we got the house in order yesterday, my dad came over.  We haven't spent a Friday with him in a couple weeks, so it was nice to see him.  We went to lunch at Huey's, then we went to The Ville's town square.

This is just one of the many spots I love on our square.  We sat on a park bench across from this house and soaked up the vitamin D.  The boys walked to the Army surplus store, and when they came back, I noticed Jonah had something behind his back.  They presented my dad with a gift.

It was Jonah's idea, but they all chipped in with their money.  Isn't that sweet?  I thought that was good enough on its own, but then Graham told me that the young man who checked him out (with sleeves of tattoos and those ear lobe stretching earrings) asked him about his debit card.  Graham told him that he works at Chick Fil A and they wanted to honor his grandfather, who was in the Korean War, by giving him this Navy flag.

The young man was impressed and asked Graham what he wanted to do with his life after high school.  Graham told him that he felt called into ministry of some sort and the young man didn't know what that was, so Graham explained that he wanted to be a youth pastor, or something along those lines.  The young man told Graham that he was inspired by him, and Graham ended up inviting him to church.  When he came back and told me about it, we remembered that a few weeks ago, the youth pastor gave us these books to hand out to people who might not know the Lord.  They're a shortened and condensed version of the book of John.  So we came home to grab a couple and went back to the Army surplus store.  Graham gave it to the young man and left his phone number with him.  He said he would be at church tomorrow.

:)  Forgive the bragging, please.  But I am a proud mama!  Both for the fact that they gave my dad a gift, all of their own accord and with their own money, and for Graham being bold in his faith.  I told my dad I wish I had been that bold when I was that age.

The boys were really excited about their one night camping trip yesterday.  Todd came home early to load up all their gear, and about an hour later, I was waving goodbye to them.

He posted these pictures on Facebook for me a few hours later.

They camped at my dad's house.  His house sits on eleven acres, and they were at the back of his property.  Todd said that's the most perfect spot of grass, so that's where they set up camp.  They dug out a spot for a bonfire and roasted hot dogs and s'mores for dinner.  My dad said the next time they camp out there, he's going to stay with them.  :)

While they were camping, I met the ladies in my small group at Bible study on Thursday at Bangkok Alley.  It was so much fun being with them outside of Bible study.  We sat there for three hours and talked and laughed, until we noticed that they were closing.  Then we went outside and talked for another half hour.  They all prayed for me, then we parted ways.  It was a sweet time.

Love them!  After dinner, I came home to a quiet, empty house.  I'm glad Andy was here to keep me company.  I was worried I wouldn't be able to sleep, but I was fine and fell to sleep within ten minutes, until eight thirty this morning, when Andy woke me up telling me he needed to go outside and that he was hungry.  The family is all back home, now and unpacked.  I haven't started my day yet, but will in a bit, when I decide to get moving.  I've done laundry already, I just need to get dressed now.

Well, I hope you enjoy your day!  It's glorious outside.  Love to all!

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