Wednesday, April 9, 2014

(almost) wordless Wednesday

Sunshine, sixty something degrees, a cool breeze, half the amount of kids, finished school work, a sweet friend who loves picnics as much as me...

...all those things made the perfect day to enjoy outside, eating a yummy and healthy lunch.

It was a delight to get to pack lunch for my friend Abbey, one of two girls who minister to our youth-aged girls at church.  They feed into their lives, so I think it's appropriate to offer them the same thing.

A sweet friendship, getting more acquainted with one another, looking forward to every Wednesday from here to an indefinite amount of time, realizing her soul resonates with mine somehow... was a really great day.

Isn't she beautiful?  But even more so on the inside, where it counts the most.

I hope your day was good.

Love to all.


Don't forget to do this:


  1. Hi Jennifer! I have a quick question! I was wondering if you could please email me when you have a free moment. :-) Thanks! Hope to hear from you soon. Have a great weekend!!

  2. Hey, Heather! I know a couple of you want to email me?

    Hope to hear from you!


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