Friday, March 21, 2014

homeschool perks

I wonder if I've created my own social media hashtag?  You know I seem to think in those now, and it seems like when I post a "fun" picture on Instagram or Facebook, that's my hashtag.

Homeschool perks.

;)  Anyhow.  Today a sweet friend of mine invited the boys and me to a park.  We ate a really fast lunch, packed up some sporting goods and took off.  I love an impromptu park date.  The weather here today was gorgeous and warm, so the boys had a blast.  And me and my sweet friend got all caught up.

I took some pictures.

I love all the dogwood trees that are blooming right now.  And the "grass" under my feet is turf.  But it's all good.  It felt amazing outside, so for a moment, I took my shoes off.  :)  My toes are so ready to be in flip flops for the next few months!

We came home, and everyone went in different directions.  Drew went to a friend's, Graham left for a friend's soccer game, Jonah and Noah went to our neighbor's to watch the U of Memphis basketball game.  So I went and got a sandwich from Subway.  However, I wasn't there long.  My oldest son who shall remain nameless had my credit card in his wallet yesterday at our homeschool group, and apparently it fell out of his pocket onto the parking lot.  Some man found my card and took it in to the secretary of the church, who just so happens to be a sweet friend I've come to know well and love over the last year and a half.  She emailed me and then locked it up...I was supposed to get it today, but I forgot.  So when I went to buy dinner, I had no money.  No credit card and no cash.  I came home and looked for a wallet, then found Jonah's in the car.  Thanks to him, I borrowed $6 and got my sandwich.  And yes, I will pay him back.


Crash enjoyed it, because he got to ride with me!

See?  Proof that I do love him.

I came home to a quiet house, ate dinner, watched a show, finished watching a movie, and now my kiddos are back home, minus Drew, plus Alex.  (It was fun writing that.)

Graham is working tomorrow...his last day at the Collierville Chick Fil A!  He's gotten hired at the new Germantown store and will start there after his two week's notice is up at this one.  I'm excited for him~we LOVE the Germantown owner and I know he will love that location so much more.

Well.  I need to sleep now.  Five thirty will come awfully early and my book is calling my name.  Love to all!

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