Wednesday, March 12, 2014


My oldest boy is officially legal to drive on the road!  It's hard to believe he's fifteen.  I can remember back to when he was a baby, thinking we would never get out of a certain phase.  And now, here we are.  I know it sounds so cliche, but time does go by so quickly!  Especially once those baby and early toddler years have passed.

For his birthday breakfast, he asked for blueberry muffins.  I made some and stuck a candle in one, and sang 'Happy Birthday' to him.  I did not get a was rather impromptu.  ;)

Also, on his birthday, he wanted to get his driver's permit.  I took him, and three and a half hours, we walked out with it!

Even though he has driven before, I didn't let him drive home.  The road he would have been driving on had a very high speed limit, so I let him drive to my mom-in-love's house, once we got to her neighborhood.  I think he did really good, considering my vehicle is huge.  He definitely needs more practice before getting onto a major road, but we will work on it.  (He just asked me if he could drive up to our church.  I told him yes.)

We rushed home after this picture, and he left at 4:30, with some friends.  He went to a soccer game, and after that, they all went to Red Robin.  It was kinda sad to me that he wasn't even here the night of his birthday, but I think I'm getting a taste of what my next few years are going to be like.  And really, it makes my heart happy to know and love these kids he's hanging out with.  The Lord gave him these sweet teenagers, and trust me, they are an answer to many prayers!  

Well.  I guess I need to get off here and get to my day.  Breakfast needs to be made and eaten, and laundry needs to be folded.  They're going to spend the next few hours at church.  I hope your day is great!  Love to all.  

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