Monday, March 24, 2014

catching up

A few weeks ago, at a Bible fellowship teacher meeting, we received new books to work through with our tenth grade girls.  I'll be honest...when I first saw the book, I was thinking, "Oh great.  That looks interesting."   

See what I mean?  But then I picked it up and started reading it, and I could not put it down!  And then I was thinking, "Man, if I had been taught this when I was a teenager, my teenage years would have been a lot different."

This books talks about how to be spiritually disciplined, and what the point is of being that way.  And the purpose of being spiritually disciplined is to train yourself to be godly (1 Timothy 4:7).  This week's lesson talked about the importance of Bible intake.  Three ways to get the word are by reading it, hearing it and studying it.  He even offers suggestions on how to get started on reading God's word.  I love that, because have you ever picked up your Bible and wondered where to start?  I have.  It's especially hard to know where to start when you're a teenager, so we tried to give the girls some suggestions.  

If you are looking for a wonderful book to read on how to become more godly, I would strongly recommend this book.  There's also a small workbook that goes along with this, if you feel like that would interest you.  I'm sure you can find it on Amazon or Christian Books.  

Even what we're doing with our small group on Sunday night follows along this book, which is really cool, because it wasn't planned.  We're watching a series of videos on True Beauty by Lisa Chan.  These girls are so blessed to have all these tools to make their walk with the Lord easier.  There are major benefits to living in this age of technology.

After church, we made a Costco run to shop and eat lunch.  We couldn't leave until the basketball game was over...Jonah's team lost.

They're so cute.

This morning I had several errands to run.  I mentioned that Graham dropped my credit card last week on the blog, so we went to get it this morning.  Graham also had to run by Chick Fil A to fill out some paper work and to talk with the owner.  He starts work at his new job this Saturday!  He even got a small raise.  I'm so proud of him, and he is so excited to start working at this location.  

While he was inside, my kids and dog drove me bonkers.

They're usually fine until that fifteen minute mark hits, then they start losing it.  :/  Today was no exception.  

Graham got to drive us this morning, while I sat and enjoyed the ride.  And yes, I am learning to enjoy it more and to not freak out quite as bad.  Driving with a fifteen year old is not for the faint of heart.  

Speaking of driving, he got his own vehicle keys this weekend!  Todd went and had copies made of our keys for his own personal key chain.  What a thoughtful hubby and dad!  

Todd went in to work with the sheriff's department last night, so the boys and I headed to bed kinda early.  I was inspired by Drew to start reading in John.  We both read chapters one through three last night, and then got up and read some more this morning.  I love reading about all the miracles that Jesus performed while He walked on encourages me in my praying for my sister Terri.  That same God, who is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) can still heal my sister.  Speaking of...they scheduled her tracheotomy for Wednesday.  See why reading in John last night encouraged me so?

I need to text my dad and encourage him to do some reading of the same book!  He is not handling seeing her with all the tubes and wires very well.  I am thankful that my stepmom is there with him and that she is his rock right now.  

Well.  Thanks for reading the blog.  Thanks for helping me pray for my sister.  Pray for her husband Wes and her kids, Amanda and Marty.  They need supernatural strength to get through these days.  

Love to all.  

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