Friday, January 17, 2014

Wednesday & Thursday

It hasn't been that exciting of a week.  It's been a good week, but a typical, boring, homeschooling type of week...the kind I most love.

Wednesday was spent doing a lot of this:

A lot, a lot, a lot of this.  Drew broke all kinds of records and got the prize for working the longest.  ;)  He chose to work way ahead so he could have an easy last couple days.

I did (and have been doing everyday) a lot of writing in this:

Why yes, it is still bringing me joy!  And will continue to do so all year long.  While the boys were hard at work, I started on our dinner for the night:

I've been going through all my recipes on Pinterest, adding some and deleting some, and I came across this one.  If you would like the recipe for this loaded baked potato soup, click here.  It's also on my "soups & stews" board on Pinterest.  I also spent lots of time organizing all my pins on there.

Thursday was our day at school and a yummy dinner that I made in the crock pot.  I didn't take one single picture yesterday, but I did post this one from earlier this week on Instagram:

Baby Sven from the movie Frozen.  Jonah gets this talent from his dad.  ;)

I hope you've had a great week!  Happy Friday to you and love to all.


  1. Hi,
    I'm not even sure if you remember me but I came across your blog and I had to say hello.

  2. I know one Paige from forever ago, and if it's the same one, then OF COURSE I remember you!!! (I tried clicking on your name but didn't see a picture of anything.) I would love to see to you or email you...I'm on Facebook and Instagram~under Jennifer Lloyd Goodwin on Facebook and all4boys on Instagram. Are you on any of those?


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

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