Friday, January 17, 2014

Wednesday & Thursday

It hasn't been that exciting of a week.  It's been a good week, but a typical, boring, homeschooling type of week...the kind I most love.

Wednesday was spent doing a lot of this:

A lot, a lot, a lot of this.  Drew broke all kinds of records and got the prize for working the longest.  ;)  He chose to work way ahead so he could have an easy last couple days.

I did (and have been doing everyday) a lot of writing in this:

Why yes, it is still bringing me joy!  And will continue to do so all year long.  While the boys were hard at work, I started on our dinner for the night:

I've been going through all my recipes on Pinterest, adding some and deleting some, and I came across this one.  If you would like the recipe for this loaded baked potato soup, click here.  It's also on my "soups & stews" board on Pinterest.  I also spent lots of time organizing all my pins on there.

Thursday was our day at school and a yummy dinner that I made in the crock pot.  I didn't take one single picture yesterday, but I did post this one from earlier this week on Instagram:

Baby Sven from the movie Frozen.  Jonah gets this talent from his dad.  ;)

I hope you've had a great week!  Happy Friday to you and love to all.


  1. Hi,
    I'm not even sure if you remember me but I came across your blog and I had to say hello.

  2. I know one Paige from forever ago, and if it's the same one, then OF COURSE I remember you!!! (I tried clicking on your name but didn't see a picture of anything.) I would love to see to you or email you...I'm on Facebook and Instagram~under Jennifer Lloyd Goodwin on Facebook and all4boys on Instagram. Are you on any of those?


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

March Moments

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about some favorite moments from this month. Can you believe we're at the end of March ...