Monday, January 27, 2014

images from our weekend

On Friday, Graham had a high school social thing with the teenagers from our homeschool group.  They met for lunch at Abner's, and my dad, Drew, Jonah, Noah and I stayed and ate there as well.  The boys wanted to go to my dad's house after that, to see his frozen lake.  We took the scenic route and drove around looking at pretty things.  This was one of them:

This is a pretty little Presbyterian church in the old town of Cordova.  I have this thing for remember that, right?

We made it to my dad's house and saw the lake and the boys stood on the ice, just right around the bank.  The ice was so thick that we couldn't break it...we did try to do that before I let them all romp around and frolic on the ice.

The ice was definitely thinner toward the middle of the lake, but it was beautiful!  One year when I was a young girl, this lake froze so solidly that it was white.  My brother-in-law tried to chop through it with an ax, and when he finally got through, it was almost six inches deep!  That was the first time I ever ice-skated on a frozen lake.  It was also the last time I ever ice-skated on a frozen lake.  Ice and I do not get along.  ;)

Todd worked Friday night, and in spite of the fact that we had three extra boys here spending the night, I watched two movies and one show I had recorded.  I watched 13 Going On 30, and The Back-Up Plan.  The show I watched was The Pioneer Woman.  I love getting to watch the shows that I love.

Graham had to work from seven to two on Saturday.  I was fortunate enough to be able to watch the sun rise.

God is an amazing painter of the sky.

Noah had a game on Saturday.  Their team is so good!  They won this game, but both teams played really well.

I love this shot of Alex shooting the free-throws.

Yesterday was an amazing day of church!  I love our tenth grade girls.  We had a packed class, and I was the only teacher there.  I kinda feel like I did a lot of talking, but I had a lot to say about what we're studying right now.  We started right away, and ended with a time of getting caught up and talking about lots of stuff.

Teaching these girls has been eye-opening for me.  Without them even being aware of it, they have given me lots and lots of parenting advice.  Almost all of these girls have something to say about their parents, or their life at home, and some of it is good, but some of it is way less than good.  They've given me a lot of insight and knowledge as to how the teenage brain functions, and that has caused the boys and I to talk about a lot of different things.

My preacher preached such a great sermon, it was on the topic of worry.  Who doesn't struggle with some sort of worry?  Whether it's a sickness that causes it, or finances or this troubling world we live in, I believe all of us struggle with worry of some sort.  He taught from Philippians 4:6 and 7.  Part two will follow next week, and I can't wait.  My husband and I might have elbowed one another a time or two.

After church we went to Costco, and I bought some new hair conditioner and moisturizer (along with a lot of other things we needed).

I've been reading about all the benefits of coconut oil, and this is the good kind, so imagine my delight when I found some at my favorite store.  This huge 54 fluid ounce container cost $15.  You can use it to cook with, sure, but you can eat a spoonful to curb your appetite, you can use it as a skin moisturizer, hair conditioner, it helps make pink-eye go away, you can make your own healthy toothpaste with it (baking soda, coconut oil and peppermint extract), the list is long.  If you're my friend on Facebook, I posted the link under this picture.

Last night was community group, and then...


I went to my best friend's house and we watched Sean and Catherine from The Bachelor get married!  I might have cried.  Their wedding was one of those weddings that glorified the Lord, and to see that on national television was amazing.  I have loved them from day one and loved watching them get married.  :)

No judging of me, please.

Today I am doing some of this:

And the boys are doing some of this:

And we're doing some other things.  ;)

Speaking of those other things, I need to stop writing and go do them.  I hope you stay warm, wherever you are, and I pray your day is fantabulous.  Love to all!

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