Thursday, January 30, 2014


I've been inspired by some images I've seen on the world wide web lately, and it's prompted me to take a different approach to our schooling this week.

This was a time of fun and craftiness after two loooooonnnnnnng days of writing and other fun stuff.  They did so well on their writing projects that I thought it would be fun to do something with paint and sticks.  My house has been left messy more and the only noise has been the sound of their voices and laughter.

It's been a great week.  Every once in a while, I feel like the Lord allows me days like this~the kind that goes smoothly from beginning to finish.  Isn't He so kind and gracious, as to do that?  It's just enough to encourage me to keep going.

Are you in a place in your life where you need encouragement?  Keep on praying!  Keep on reading His word.  He will meet you there, I promise.

Love to all.


  1. I got excited when I first glanced at the pictures. I thought you were having a family menu planning session. :)

  2. Ha! Sorry if I disappointed you. ;) I don't ever have those kinds of sessions, but I do always get their input as to what we have for dinner that week. I saw your FB post today~hope you got some good ideas!


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