Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Baby, it's cold outside! (and other random things)

I was so surprised to see a dusting of snow on the ground when I let the dogs out this morning.  I don't remember it being this cold in a long time, and my thought is that if it's going to be this cold, we should at least be able to enjoy some snow!  I am so thankful that I get to stay inside on this freezing day.  Yesterday Graham started a fire at ten in the morning, and it was still burning when I went to bed last night at ten-thirty.

A couple weeks ago when we had cold temperatures in Memphis, they (I don't know who "they" are) canceled our county schools.  I remember that day well, and how on social media that day, people were griping and complaining about how dumb it was that school was canceled just because of cold weather.  The high that day was around twelve.  I found out later that day that the reason school was canceled was because of the buses.  Most of the kids in the city of Memphis ride the bus to school, and those buses are not heated (or air-conditioned).  I no longer have kids in the public school system, but I commended them on making that decision.  Way to watch out for the kids!  (And shame on you, to all the nay-sayers that day on social media.)

Fast forward to today, and it's really cold again, though not as cold as that one day.  Today's high is somewhere in the low to mid twenties, and while it's cold, it's warmer than twelve degrees.  And today, guess what?  School is NOT canceled.  And once again, on social media, the majority of the people are griping and complaining.  It truly is impossible to please everyone, I suppose.  I just think it's funny how the same people that complained the first time are the ones complaining this time.

Anyway, I'm done with that.

I love the coldness of this kind of day.  I am thankful, first and foremost, for the cold temperatures that have killed off all the bugs that were still lingering.  I remember one year a few years ago, we had absolutely no winter it seemed, and the bugs never completely went away.  I can remember seeing mosquitoes and gnats and flies in January and February!  Blech.

I missed Bible study last night, and as much as I don't like missing Bible study, I'm glad that I was able to be a part of my sweet friend's son's eighteenth birthday surprise.  This is my precious friend Andrea.  I met her at our homeschool group a year and a half ago, and it seems like I have known her forever!  She is one of my closest friends, the kind who has heard me laugh and cry and have near-anxiety attacks.  Her son's party was a huge hit with all the teenagers~they sat around talking and laughing and munching on chips, salsa and cake.  I also had fun socializing.  :)

I don't think I mentioned that Drew and Noah went to work with Todd yesterday.  He tries to do that every once in a while, and yesterday was their turn.  They're also the two that don't usually ask to go anywhere, so I think it made Todd feel good that they asked.  I am so thankful that they can do that with him.  I remember going to work with my dad as a young girl, and I always loved it.  I loved seeing what he did and socializing (imagine that) with the people he worked with.  Yesterday was the kind of day that memories are made of.

Today we'll do our normal homeschool stuff and we will try to stay warm.  ;)  I don't plan on getting out until later today.  My mom-in-love and I are going to Central church for a women's event and dinner.  I'm excited!  It'll be chilly, but I know it'll be worth the getting out.  In the meantime, my hubby is traveling today, so I pray that he doesn't have to spend the night on the road.  The boys are okay at home alone, but they don't love when we're both gone.  However, if it comes that that, I know that they'll be perfectly fine.

So that's what's been going on the last couple days.  Exciting stuff, huh?  I did manage to get another cabinet in my kitchen cleaned out yesterday, and I rearranged all the cookbooks I have.  It made more room in my spice cabinet, which apparently is quite full and also needs to be cleaned out.  I might work on that in between school stuff and laundry today.

I will leave you with one picture from our day yesterday:

This would be Jonah, asleep on the couch, at around one-thirty or two o'clock.  Jonah never naps unless he is sick, so at one point, I kinda wondered if maybe he was coming down with something.  It turns out that he's fine, he'd had a tummy ache, so he laid down on the couch.  When Crash jumped up with him, they both got all snug and cozy and for at least one hour, they slept.  I was shocked.  Jonah and Graham require very little sleep...they've always been like that, from day one.

I hope you stay nice and warm today!  Happy Tuesday to you and love to all!

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