Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I don't know what my problem is this year~I'm feeling super sentimental and unusually thankful over every little thing.  Call it age, hormones or whatever, but I've been enjoying each day for the gift that it is.  In that I write that, maybe that's part of my "lesson" in slowing down this year.  I've kinda been forced to do just that; slow down and do only what is most important.

If you don't believe me, feel free to ask my children.  I've cried so often in my prayers that I'm sure they roll their eyes while they've got them squeezed tightly shut.  If that's possible, which I'm pretty sure is.

There are certain things that we do at this time every year that I love~our town's Christmas tree lighting service, the annual Christmas parade (that got canceled this year), going to the Enchanted Forrest, going to Zoo Lights, watching certain movies~you know, all the things that make this time of year special.  In light of doing all that, and all the celebrating that we do, though, it's hard to lose sight of what matters the most.


Just today at lunch, Noah and I were talking about what it is we love about this time of year.  He said all the right things, but I always wonder, do they really get it?  In their hearts, deep down, do they really understand?  I guess that's where the sentimentality come in~in thanking God for all these gifts He's given me, that's my most urgent prayer~that they get it.  That they never know a day without God at the center of it all.  It's my prayer for all of my family, myself included.

I always ask the Lord to be glorified in all that we say and do, whether it's school work, baking holiday goodies or being in line at Wal-Mart.  Whether it's my kids or a perfect stranger, I want others to see Jesus in me.

That being said, we've done some fun stuff the past few days.  Aside from school work, on Monday we went to the Enchanted Forrest.  We love the Santa there, he's my mom-in-love's cousin.

Isn't that a great picture?  I forgot to post it on Monday, when we actually went.

Yesterday, my dad took us to lunch and took us to see the movie Frozen.  Have you seen that, by the way?  Greatest movie of all time.  I had the thought that I wish my friend Christa had been here to see it with me~she totally understands my love of Disney fairy tales.  The entire time we were watching, I seriously thought of her.  The movie was beautiful, and so was the music.  I asked my kids to buy it for me for Mother's day.  Because you're never too old to love a good Disney movie.

We've also made our fair share of goodies this week.  Last night we had my mom and step dad over for dinner to celebrate Bill's birthday.  It was actually Friday, but I wasn't feeling good enough to be celebratory.  I made a new recipe for dinner, too, one I got off of Shay Shull's blog.  It was a chowder-type soup, with corn, sausage and potatoes.  It was delicious!  I served it with rolls.  We didn't have dessert.  :(

Today we made no-bake cookies...I refuse to call them what Todd grew up calling them.  I have tried making these countless times over the years, and for the first time ever in my married life, they turned out beautifully.

See?!  They are delicious and we will be enjoying them for dessert tonight.  :)

This week has been full of traditions, one of which is watching Christmas movies.  As I write this, we're watching Home Alone.  What traditions do you have that you enjoy doing with your family?  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

It's been a fun week...I plan on us being done with school for this semester sometime early next week.  We have several things we need to get done before this grading period ends, but after that we'll be finished for this semester.  I hope you're having a great week.  Love to all!


  1. My heart swells at how you make so many wonderful memories with your boys and teach them the real meaning for the holidays and let them enjoy a little fantasy with it. I am so proud to have you raising my first four grandsons!!!! By the way, Todd did not learn that from me. I think it came from the fire station but wasn't used in my house! :-) Bunches and Bunches of love!!!!

  2. Why, thank you! OH...that would probably make more sense if that name came from the fire station. I refuse to call them that. They will continue to be called no-bake cookies, or maybe I'll make up our own name. Love to you, too!


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