Thursday, December 26, 2013

the day after Christmas


Quite possibly my favorite thing that we did this year was our Christmas eve candlelight service at church.  I've been to services like this in the past, but since Todd and I got married seventeen years ago, we have celebrated Christmas eve at my dad's house.  Most services usually take place at five, and that's about when we always get to his house.  This year our church's candlelight service started at four, so we were able to attend.  It was the most beautiful, touching, reverent and heart-warming service I've been to in a long time.  Many times throughout the forty minute service, my eyes welled up with tears.  I truly adore Him, and I cannot get through that song without crying.

Here's a picture that Todd snapped during the service:

Is that not beautiful?  My heart thrilled at sitting next to my husband, my kids, my sister Lisa, my mom and my step-dad.

Speaking of Mom, yesterday I was struck with the beauty of her house and my favorite Christmas tree and took this picture:

She would never in a million years brag on this tree, but since she won't, I will!  She is so gifted in the area of decorating (and sewing and floral-arranging and cooking), all my sisters are, truthfully!  I don't know how "gifted" I am at this, but I do love to arrange and re-arrange and decorate and organize.  Things like that make my heart so happy, and I honestly think I get it from my mom.  Her house is beautifully organized, with zero clutter, and my heart sings at that.

I hope your Christmas was wonderful~I know ours was, as usual.  We are truly blessed by all of our family, and that we get to spent time with them each holiday.  It always seems like that time goes by so quickly and it usually doesn't happen often enough.  But I'll be happy with what time we did have.  ;)

I will leave you with one final reminder:

Love to all.

P.s. For those still celebrating today, or having leftovers, here's to hoping you get one of these:

A long winter's nap.  :)  This is my beautiful sister Trishy, napping so peacefully on Mom's awesome nap couch.

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