Monday, December 2, 2013

December 2

Wow~is anyone else's internet super slow today?  Especially right now?  I suppose people are home from school and work and are settling in for a long evening of Cyber Monday Christmas shopping.  I am so thrilled that we are almost done...thanks to my incredible husband.  He shops for the boys every year, because he's great at finding things at a low price.  I'm tellin' ya~I don't know what I ever did to deserve this man.  He is awesome.

I grocery shopped today.  I also planned our week of dinner and even remembered things the kids need for breakfast, lunch and snacks everyday.  It was a gigantic trip, but I was pleasantly surprised at the was less than I thought it would be.

After our trip to Walmart, then to Kroger for what Walmart didn't have, we came home and had lunch.  While the boys ate, I got started on making chex mix.  The kids love my homemade chex mix...and I do too!  It'll be gone by Wednesday, I would be willing to bet.  (Not really, but it will be gone, I promise.)

We watched Santa Buddies that I had recorded the other was the cutest movie.  Jonah was too cool to watch it with us, but he came down for the last thirty minutes.  He's such a goof ball.  The kid has never enjoyed watching movies.  I don't know how, because watching movies is one of my favorite past times!

I got an early start on dinner tonight, then we made chocolate dipped peanut butter crackers.  I don't know who will be more excited to eat them~Todd or the boys.  I like them too, but mainly they're for my favorite guys.  ;)

I thought I would share something I made yesterday.  I didn't go to church because I felt kinda rotten, and I got bored with just watching tv, so I remembered something I'd seen Courtney from Women Living Well make a few years ago that I thought was a great idea.  It's a Christmas book.

I decorated the front of it, and inside are my daily Bible reading plans for Advent, a "to-do/to-make" list, and a section on gifts.  The Good Morning Girls are doing an online Advent Bible study for this month, and I am doing it with them.  I printed out what I need for this first week and will include each week as they send it.  The "to-do/to-make" section includes tasks like grocery shopping, dinner plans for the week and things going on around The Ville that we'll be attending.  I included a special page in the back for the boys to write what special treats they would like to make during this season.

Today, I got everything checked off my list!  Today was my longest because of grocery shopping, every other day has only two or three things on it.  I love this idea because it gives me one location to put all things Christmas.  The boys have already looked at it several times, so I'm guessing they like it, too.  I have page protectors in it, so if we need something added to a grocery list, they can slide out the paper and write what we need, then slide it back in.

Easy schmeasy.

I don't have to tell me what a freak I am.  Being stuck in my house has given me all kinds of time lately, and you know me and organization.  I love it.  ;)

I'm counting down the days until Thursday...please pray this works!  From what I keep reading and hearing, there's a fifty percent chance it will.  I'm claiming that fifty percent for me in Jesus' name!  I'm so tired of feeling so run's kinda getting to where my energy is drained again, and I'm tired of coming up with answers that won't turn people away when they ask how I am.

How was your day?  Ours was productive and I love that.  Love to all.


  1. I am counting the days with you and definitely believing that you are one of the 50% that works 100%. I love how you do such special things. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make you feel all better. Remember I am here for you to do whatever you need. I know you hate to ask but I don't know if you don't tell me because I don't want to be in the way when you don't feel good. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!

  2. Thanks for the prayers! I need them. ;) I promise to tell you if I need anything. Love you, too!


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