I've had several passages from the Bible rolling around in my head for the past few days. One passage is from Matthew chapter 6...I thought I would just share it with you.
“Watch out! Don’t do your good deeds publicly, to be admired by others, for you will lose the reward from your Father in heaven. When you give to someone in need, don’t do as the hypocrites do—blowing trumpets in the synagogues and streets to call attention to their acts of charity! I tell you the truth, they have received all the reward they will ever get. But when you give to someone in need, don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Give your gifts in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you."
I think the reason I've been thinking of this one is just because of the time of year. In a world where social media is the main form of communication, it's really easy to brag about something nice you've done. The thing is, we should feel good when we do things like this. When it becomes our status on Facebook, that is not so good. For once, I'm not actually speaking about anything that I've seen. I was just thinking about it yesterday because of a conversation my sister and I had Wednesday night. She doesn't even know that she sparked all these thoughts by the conversation that took place. But it made me think back to when I've done things for people this year...I pray that I didn't say anything about it! If I did, please forgive me...I shouldn't have said anything.
I pray that I never come across as boastful. That is not at all my intention on this blog or on Facebook, however I know things can easily be taken the wrong way on the internet. Please know that before I post things, I pray about it and I seriously think it through. Lots of times I will write and write and write, then just erase it all. I never want to come across the wrong way.
I thought I would also take a few moments and tell you why I do enjoy social media: it's because I can pray for people. Lots of my friends post needs as their statuses, and it is always a joy to be able to know what's going on in their lives and to be able to lift them up in prayer. I was able to pray for several of my friends right off the bat this morning. That, my friends, is what the body of believers is for! I'm a really private person, and even if I am struggling with something, you would never know about it...except for when I was in the throes of not feeling good the past few months. I was genuinely thinking something was really wrong, and I needed the prayer so I would stop being so fearful. I also thanked God for every single one of you who read what I wrote and prayed for me, or checked on me via phone call, text, email, or Facebook.
The thing is, on social media, we all have our "thing". I have friends whose "thing" might be long, beautiful or funny stories about their families, or adoption, or pleas for prayers, or Bible verses, or their beliefs~whether that be standing with Phil Robertson or gun rights. What may bother me may be something they're really passionate about. Who am I to judge? Or to think ill of them because of what they post?
I've said really negative things on here in the past about posts that bug me. But one thing that yesterday showed me was that we all have freedom of speech. Because of that light going off in my brain, for the things I've said that are negative about what people post on social media~I am sorry. The wonderful thing is that I don't have to read it. I can keep scrolling, I can "hide" it, I could just get off the computer.
I confess to you that I am seriously flawed. I am in desperate need of a Savior. I mess up daily...I say words that are mean, I think mean thoughts about someone, I get jealous of people, I mess up. But thank God that He gives grace to me. It's something He has freely given to all of us, whether or not we use it is up to us. I don't continue on in my sinful ways...when I realize what I'm thinking or doing or saying, I ask forgiveness and I ask Him to change my heart. To make it more like His. I genuinely try my best to NOT be the way I formerly was. I do not continue on in my sin pattern.
I'm not perfect. The only time I'll ever be perfect is when I'm in Heaven with my King. I am so thankful that God already knows my heart and that He knows every little detail of my life. He knows how desperately I need Him and He alone can do for me what no other can.
Do you know Him? Do you read His word? It is full of life~giving words! I am so thankful that we have His written word. If you don't read your Bible, consider changing that in 2014! I try to do something each year that grows me closer to God, and this coming year I'm reading through the Bible chronologically again. In fact, I'm going to start doing a Bible study on it as well, every Monday night for the next year, one written by Iva May. I cannot wait to start, and I got my new chronological Bible in the mail last week. All the pages are beautifully crisp and white...I cannot wait to fill it up with notes and highlights.
I told you that information to encourage you in your walk with the Lord...do something, one thing at least, to grow you closer to Him. Read His word, memorize His word, do a Bible study (even if for the first time), just don't be stagnant! We should be continually growing closer and closer to Him...His word is what transforms us into His image. (Romans 12:2)
In a world that is often obsessed with things of little or no matter, I want to issue you a challenge. Pick one way to make yourself more spiritually "fit" in the coming year. I say pick one thing, because that's about all I can do...I concentrate on one thing each year. But I aim to do it well, and I am usually able to finish strong because I discipline myself. Let's all do this together and be accountable to one another! I only plan on marking my progress on this blog. Feel free to use this as our "meeting place" as well. We all need one another and we all need to hold one another up! That's what the body of believers is for~to uplift each other, not to bash one another.
I also come up with a "word" for my year each year. This year my word was "build", as in Ephesians 4:29:
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
I love this idea of coming up with a word...what I do is pray that I am able to carry the word through all year. I usually find a Bible verse to go along with my word and I commit it to memory.
Well, I need to go fold laundry. I've been writing this while watching The Today Show. I seriously love this show and the anchors. I think Natalie is my favorite...I love how much she laughs. I especially love that they're doing all these year-end clips from 2013. I've laughed and I've cried and that's all I'm going to say about that.
I pray your day is wonderful! Love to all.
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the Wednesday hodgepodge
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God has used you to encourage me on multiple occasions this year. It is a blessing to see your humility in sharing spiritual struggles. I appreciate your desire to help others grow in their walk with The Lord. Know that you are being used in great ways and that I am praying for you.
ReplyDeleteThank you for those sweet words, Kailyn! I do definitely have my struggles, we all do, and I believe it's good to share them so we can pray for one another! Know that I love you, that God has used YOU to encourage ME this year and that I am praying for you, too!