Sunday, December 15, 2013

a little bit of weekend

I celebrated all weekend long!  ;)  My sisters and I went to eat Mexican food Friday night, and we saw A Madea Christmas.  It was so good!  And hilarious, as usual.

Saturday was crazy busy, but fun.  Graham had to work, then we met my in-love's at Chick Fil A for lunch.  We found out that morning that Noah had his first basketball game!  It was a whirlwind, but so fun to see him out there playing his little heart out.  And he scored the first two points of the game.  Go, Noah!  I apologize to the family members I didn't have time to tell.

I came home and made dinner for my friend, thanks to my hubby for his help, and she gave me a gift.  Can you even believe that?!?

It's a wine bottle with Christmas lights.  It makes me so happy that I might leave it out all year long.  I seriously love it.

We ate dinner out, then had to run to Pet Smart, then drove to the square to look at the lights.

Two seconds after I took this, Graham pulled Drew's leg up and Drew landed in the mud.  I wasn't sure if I should be mad at Graham or laugh at the situation.  I laughed, but told Graham he was mean.  Then I threatened to pinch him again.

I had a wonderful week of celebrating.'s a picture of the birthday card Drew gave me...

...that Andy ate.

Story of my life.  It was an awesome weekend.  I'm off to church for the youth Christmas party.  Love to all!

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