Wednesday, November 27, 2013


We've been doing lots of this~the medicine that I apply for their poison oak has benzocaine in it and makes them freeze.  Noah couldn't warm up the other night, so Todd wrapped him tight in a blanket and let him cuddle up in his lap.  The benadryl they're taking makes them sleepy...the bottom picture is Drew asleep on the couch.  Of course Crash takes any opportunity that comes his way to snuggle with them.  He's a great snuggly little dog.

Well, not little, but you get my drift.

Jonah's arms~he woke up this morning and they look so much better!  He keeps on slapping's pretty funny, actually.  I told him when they itch to slap the spot instead of rubbing or scratching it.  He just did it again.

We've been pretty lazy this week.  Even the dogs have been lazy!  This was while I was cooking Monday night's dinner.  They do love each other.  Sometimes.  ;)

Winter has arrived!  I love this cold makes it feel so Christmas-y and I love it!  We've been bundling up in lots of layers and I've been wearing my fuzzy boots and sweatshirts to stay warm.  Hopefully tonight we can have a fire...I'm going to see what my hubby can do about getting us some wood for one!  This picture above is from yesterday afternoon~they were all outside playing and I invited them all in for some hot chocolate.  I could almost see them defrosting as I watched.  ;)

Today we're staying home and watching Christmas movies!  Todd has to work, but we're going to invite the neighbors to come watch with us.  I'm going to offer more hot chocolate and popcorn while they watch.  My new oven is coming today!  Sometime between eleven and three.  I'm so excited about it and can't wait to play with it.  I hope you enjoy your day~if you're local to me, bundle up and stay warm!  The high today is thirty-five.  Right now it's twenty-five with a wind chill of fifteen.  Brrrr!

Love to all.

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