Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Monday & Tuesday

Welcome, November.  If it weren't for all the "thankful" or "grateful" posts on Facebook, I would have never known you had arrived.  {Bet you never would have guessed how the posts are already grating on my ever-lovin' last nerve.  I mean...it's sweet and all...but can't you just pray it?  Thank God for it privately?  I've never been one to jump on that bandwagon, at least not via Facebook.}

Moving on now, I thought I would share my past couple days in pictures.

I spent the first half of my day yesterday concentrating on the new {dormitory~style} bedroom where all my kiddos sleep.  The room wasn't really cohesive the way it was set up, so we spent the day cleaning out their clothes and drawers and organizing the closet.  The finished product makes my heart so happy!

All the "church" clothes for my four kids is now housed in this one teeny, tiny closet.  I seem to be on this kick of simplifying things in our life and in our home.  This was a major area for me, and I love how it turned out.  They all kept a few pairs of pants/jeans and about four long-sleeved t-shirts.  My kids are related to their father and they NEVER wear long sleeves.  They live in shorts and t-shirts.  On next week's agenda: our master bedroom closet and the playroom closet.  Then onto the attic.  Gulp.

The chest between the beds holds Graham's clothes.  Across from that chest is another chest that holds Noah's clothes.  Drew and Jonah opted for pull~out storage containers under the bottom bunks.  They love to be organized, and they love that all their everyday clothes are in one place.  I love how their room looks at night with the gecko light on and with it all clean with nicely made beds.


After dinner last night {which was breakfast for dinner} we loaded up in the Burban and drove to Hope Pres.  We got to walk through the Compassion International experience.

And proceeded to have our hearts trampled on.  We promptly came home and picked out a child from their website to sponsor.  He's from Ghana, he's four years old and his name is Woazian.  I can't wait to receive his picture in the mail and to get started loving on him!  You'd be amazed at how excited the boys are about him...it'll be fun involving them in writing him letters and sending him little trinkets.

Fast forward to today, and Jonah and I headed to our seemingly home away from home, otherwise known as our dentist's office.

He had to have three teeth extracted and was so incredibly brave.

He had been numbed up at this point and asked me if his lip was as huge as it felt.  ;)  I love how he never stops smiling.  I just love him, period.  The teeth came out with absolutely no problems, whatsoever.  Thank You, Jesus.  {I was praying, because did you know that I have an "issue" with teeth being pulled?  Especially when there's blood involved?  And that by "issue", I mean it makes me want to throw up?  I do.  So after I took this picture, I stopped looking and buried my head in my book.}

After the appointment, I took him to Baskin Robbins for the milkshake I promised he could have for lunch.

I am in love with the fiery colors of Fall!  God is so gloriously displayed for all to see at this time of year~at least, that's how I feel.  I can't stop taking pictures.

While Jonah and I were gone, the other boys got started on school work.  I came home and gave spelling tests, history quizzes and Graham got an entire chapter of science done on the computer.  While they finished up their day, I got my Ephesians Bible study homework done.

After lunch and after all the school work was complete, the boys headed outside to cut the grass one more time {the backyard, at least} and to rake the leaves in the front yard.  They took the initiative to do that...we're not really believers in raking our yard.  What's the point, when leaves keep on falling all over the newly raked lawn?  I don't get it.  But they did this task anyway, by their own choice, and while they were busy, Crash did this.  Poor thing...he wants to be outside with them so badly, but he would run away if I were to let him.

Maybe in about fifty years I'll be able to let him out without a leash.

Or maybe not.

I hope your week is going good and that it's passing by quickly!  Love to all.


  1. I love the boy's "new" room!! How are you doing?

  2. Thank you!! I love it~it's so warm and cozy and inviting. I'm doing MUCH better, how about you? I think about you often! How are your kiddos?

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