Monday, October 21, 2013

weekend fun

First off~I love this weather!  Fall is my favorite time of year, and cooler weather has finally decided to make it's appearance in my hometown.  Glory!  Today the high is 73, but tomorrow and the rest of the week, the high is in the sixties.  :)


On Friday, after we had lunch with my Dad, I left and headed to The Grove at Red Oaks (formerly Camp Cordova) for a one night retreat with the girls in our youth group.  We had so much fun...there is something so special about being with just a group of girls that is refreshing for the soul.  There were some pretty amazing adults there as well.  ;)  I do love some socializing, y'all!  After we had dinner in stages (it took forever to get ready), we sat around the campfire and had a time of worship.

They're a little blurry, but you get the drift.  I get all teary-eyed when I hear kids or youth sing.  At one point, I just had to close my eyes and soak it all in.  I know that the Lord was glorified through their worship, and it touched the very depth of my being.

The moon showed off for us Friday night.  It was beautiful.

We had free time after worship, and we made s'more's and just sat around the fire.  Finally, around eleven, we headed back to our cabin.  After scaring the daylights out of the girls by running in and screaming, we all just laid on our beds and talked.  I think it was close to one before the last of us finally fell asleep.

Saturday morning we got up at 6:45 to watch the sunrise (except that it didn't, because it was rainy) and worship.  We had some more activities, and by noon, we were heading back home.

I came home and crashed, after I ate lunch.  I was starving~those girls can eat some food!  There wasn't much breakfast by the time I made my way up to the food table that morning.  ;)

Saturday night, at our old church, we went to a missions dinner.  Our sweet friends who are missionaries in Iceland were the speakers that night.  Mike and Sheila Fitzgerald are some pretty amazing people, and I am so glad our boys got to meet them.

It was also really good to see our old friends from First Assembly.  I don't miss going to church there, but I miss the relationships we had.  And when I think about that, I think about how sweet heaven is going to be someday.  Can you even imagine?  You never know when you might see someone for the last time.

And yesterday was wonderful...I do love our church, y'all.  It's like walking into your house~it feels like home now.  There are tons of people I still don't know (It's huge!), but I love the ones I do know.  I love our Sunday school, I love the youth, our kids and their leaders, and Brother Chuck is just a good 'ole boy.  I love his preaching and his love for the Lord.  I love that our kids are with us and I love when I hear them sing!  And speaking of singing, my little heart was so content to worship God yesterday morning.  I love being able to worship with abandon, and yesterday was no different.

I ended the weekend by dropping off a carload of kids back at church.  I drove them to and from Community Group last night, then we came home and watched The Amazing Race and ate in front of the t.v.  We never do that, so it was fun~Todd worked last night, so it was just the boys and me.

It was a wonderful weekend~how was yours?  Feel free to leave some comment love!

Love to all!

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