Sunday, October 13, 2013


I've been so brave all weekend, and the closer I get to tomorrow, the more the jitters set in.  ~_~

(Just keepin' it real.)

I'm not nervous about the needles or the iron part, I'm more nervous at what they might find when I go see my doctor.  For a gal whose worst nightmare involves the c-word, this is more than a little nerve wracking.  I'm typing this and listening to Laura Story's, "I Can Just Be Me".  The words say "Be my God, be my warrior, be my guide, be my strength"...and it seems that they're comforting to me right now.  I'm praying for peace, and I do have it for the most part, I just feel jittery.

It's been a really low-key weekend for me.  I purposefully haven't done much all weekend long, except for travel from one place to sit to another place to sit.  I cleaned the kitchen today and did some laundry, but that's about it.  Good news, though, the medicine is still working!  But at the moment my heart is racing.  I don't know if it's nerves or my iron still being low.  I'd be willing to bet that it was nerves.

Today after church, I had a friend text me and ask if she and another friend could bring us dinner tomorrow night.  She figured that if I was gone all day, that would be one less thing for me to worry about.  And that made me bawl my eyes out.  Y'all, it's time like these that I wish I could explain to you the importance of a church family.  I have other family, too, that are helping out in so many ways, and I have friends that are offering to help as well, but my church family is just...different.  It's people that love you like they love Jesus.  I have no other way to explain it~they don't do things for you because they're obligated, they are simply obeying and being the hands and the feet of Jesus. There are no words to describe how important it is to fellowship with a body of believers!!  If there's one thing I say in this post that challenges you in your faith, let it be this statement: find a church and start attending!

Before I go on, though, let me say thank you to some other major people: Mom, thank you for shopping for me tomorrow!  You know the boys will appreciate it.  And thanks for the chili~the boys can't wait to eat it!  Daddy, thank you for taking care of my kids tomorrow!  Phyllis, thank you for coming to relieve my dad and picking up where he leaves off!  I could not be whole tomorrow if I had to worry about any of these details.  So thanks to all of you and I love you.  (And Trish, for relieving Dad on Friday.)

Another song I listened to this morning a couple of times was Mandisa's, Overcomer.  If you missed it the first time I posted it on Facebook, I'll share it at the end of this post.  Listening to the encouraging words of the song alone makes me feel ready to tackle anything.

Well...for those of you that read this on Facebook and commented, thank you so much!  Your response was a little overwhelming for me and I cried in reading most of them.  I feel so loved and treasured and blessed to be living my life alongside all of you.  I am counting on all of you praying for me tomorrow, and for God's peace to continually wash over me all day.  Thanks in advance!  I'll write again tomorrow night and let you know what we found out.

I will leave you with Mandisa's video of Overcome.  I pray that in the reading of what I'm going through that God will use me in some way to touch the lives of others.  All for His glory.  Love to all of you!

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