Wednesday, October 2, 2013

do you know what day it is? do you know what day it is?

Hump day.  :)

This has been the weirdest day ever.  First off, it's weird because Drew is in pain.  He was playing football in the yard last night and fell on his wrist.  Todd thought it was broken and took him to get it x-rayed.  Praise God that it is NOT broken.  I had a couple of my prayer-warrior friends praying for him last night!  It is sprained, though, and that's causing him major pain.  I'm keeping him loaded up on ibuprofen to try and keep it at a minimum.  And, it's in a brace with steel plates to keep him from moving it.  Hopefully he'll feel better by the weekend.

Yesterday we had to make a trip to our vet in Germantown to get cat food (they're on a special kind), and we accidentally got the wrong bag.  So this morning we had to go back and exchange it.

Then when we got home, we babysat my neighbor's baby.  Poor little guy screamed his head off for thirty minutes.  I didn't get a whole lot done while he was here, needless to say.

And now, I have misplaced something.  Or Graham has misplaced something.  It is driving me BONKERS.  I've torn the house apart (so it seems) looking for it, to no avail.  I've prayed that God would help me remember where we last saw it, and if you would like to pray that as well, I assure you, your breath will not be wasted.

All of these things have messed up our momentum for the day.  I have found that if we don't start off with a good strong morning, the whole day just goes kaput.  But still...even in times like these, do you know how thankful I am for a God who knows me, loves me, cares for me and hears my cries?  I've done some crying out to Him today.  He is so good and so faithful to me (to us), and I thank Him for it.  I've had the lyrics to the hymn "It Is Well With My Soul" rolling around in my brain all day.

In fact, I'll leave you with them.  Love to all.

When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

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