Monday, September 30, 2013

Pictures and More Words

Friday night was spent at our church, helping out and attending a kids' event called Go Fish.  We do this three or four times a year, and we love it.  It's free, it's from 6-9, and the kids get pizza, ice cream, they get to play games and then it ends with a devotion by Austin.  I love helping out at this, because I usually get placed at the registration tables, and we all know how I love to be social.  ;)

After Go Fish, I walked Graham back to our gym and signed him in for the high school lock-out.  It started at 9:30, and they stayed at the church for about an hour, then they went to Putt-Putt Golf and Games for an overnight stay.  It was unlimited mini-golf and go-karts, they were fed, given a game room card, and they got to drive bumper boats and participate in the ropes course.  Some fell asleep, most did not.  They got back to church at 6:00 Saturday morning.

And I got to witness this gorgeous sunrise:

I picked Graham up and he immediately went upstairs to shower.  I fixed him a large cup of strong coffee, gave him a granola bar, then took him to Chick Fil A.  Poor thing couldn't find anyone to cover his shift, so after being up all night, he worked after from 7-2pm.  When he got home, this is what happened:

He slept for a couple hours, then got up for dinner and to start a fire in our fire pit.  Todd worked on this night, so my best friend came over to keep me company.  I made us French dip sandwiches and roasted potatoes.  She brought some crazy delicious "brownies" for us to enjoy for dessert.  I placed quotation marks around brownies because on the bottom was cookie dough, on top of that were Oreo cookies, and on top of those was brownie batter.

Shut your mouth.  They were insane.  In a great way.

Sunday morning found us back at church.  (I love our church.)  In lieu of our Bible Fellowship classes, we all met in the fellowship hall and listened to Lisa Erwin, the mom of Trey Erwin who died in July of 2012.  I'm sure you've heard of him...anyway, Lisa and Jay are amazing parents.  She told Trey's story from the beginning to the day he died.  It was so moving and most of the women and teenage girls cried off a good amount of make-up.

Brother Chuck preached such a great sermon yesterday about having a servant's heart, for the Lord and for others.  It was so good, and it was out of Philippians.  At the end of the service, he prayed a special prayer for married people, and that the Lord would help them serve one another in their marriages.  And then, when we got home and I went upstairs to get comfy, I saw this:

Todd was still asleep when we left yesterday morning.  He met us in the sanctuary at ten thirty.  We all know how much I love to have a beautifully made bed each day, right?  And I left him in bed that morning, which means that before he left for church, he made the bed for me!  I thought it was a perfect example of him serving me that Brother Chuck had just talked about.  So today, I will be thinking of something I can do to serve him.

Isn't that sweet, though?  He's a keeper.  ;)

Our weekend ended with Jonah, Noah and Alex (our guest for the weekend) at AWANA, Drew went to CAMO (Community Accountability Ministry Outreach), and Graham and I went to community group.

I love community group.

I love all the teenagers, the leaders, my friends who host it each week, I love everything about it.

How was your weekend?  I pray your day is wonderful~speaking of that, I need to get started on mine.  Lots to do!  Love to all.

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