Thursday, September 26, 2013


We've had a busy week with school work and running around.  On Tuesday, we had to take Andy back to the vet.  Remember that skin thing he had going on last week under his chin?  That went away, but now it's on his chest and halfway down his stomach.  :(  We took him to the vet to get laser treatments for it.  Poor little guy.  Well, poor big guy.  He's also on more medicine.  :(

Isn't he cute?  These are their new dog beds that Todd bought them on Sunday.  I love them...and I think it's safe to say that the pups love them, too.  We woke up at five this morning, to send Todd off to work.  He never leaves this early, but this morning he left at 5:45.  I went ahead and got up and showered, and have been enjoying my coffee in complete silence in this early hour.  (Since I homeschool, we no longer have to wake up at the crack of dawn.)

Wednesday morning found us in the waiting room at our dentist.  I LOVE getting my teeth cleaned...I don't think the boys love it as much, but we adore all our people at Dr. Garrett's office.  Here are Graham, Jonah and Noah awaiting their turn, playing on their phones or galaxy players.  I was reading my latest book, a Nicholas Sparks book I've never read before.

Our appointment started at nine and we left at eleven thirty.  It takes a while for the five of us to be seen, but it's well worth the wait.  And these guys?  They walk around in the back like they own the place, that's how comfortable they are here.  His office is small and very friendly...and the same people have been there forever, which says tons about Dr. Garrett.  :)  And he's a sweet, Godly man, with an even sweeter Godly wife.  I'm telling you, we love them.

After our appointment I brought the boys home and went to lunch with my friend Scottie.

This was taken Monday night at my house, after Bible study.  :)  I love her.  I'm grateful for friendships like this one...I pray I never take it for granted.  And I pray that I am as good a friend to my friends as they are to me.  

After lunch, I came home and got the boys and took them to Chick Fil A for milkshakes.  And I got this:

A giant cup of their yummy ice!  Have I mentioned my addiction to ice lately?  I'm pretty sure it's because my iron is low right now.  I should buy some vitamins, shouldn't I?

The rest of our day flew by and ended at church last night.  I ended up walking with some sweet fourth grade girls to collect cans for our food pantry at church.  I didn't know I was going to do that, but I'm glad I went.  I got to catch up with my sweet friend, Amy, the wife of our young families minister at church, Austin.

It's been a great week...and today is our homeschool group!  I love this day.  How's your week been?  Is it flying by as fast as mine is?  Love to all.

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