Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Colonial Williamsburg, Day 2

We started our day with a free breakfast from Chick Fil A.  We went from there to Finish Line to buy me some new tennis shoes~I'm having issues with my right ankle and heel.  :(  I'm trying different shoes today...thinking that might help.  After the shopping was finished, we headed to Colonial Williamsburg.

Our first stop was at the Capital.

We got to tour the inside of the building...have I mentioned how fascinated I am by old buildings?  I am.  The detail that went into them amazes me, and back then they didn't have the tools we have today!

We walked around a lot more than we did the day before, and just enjoyed looking at things like the jail house, a blacksmith shop and a wig shop.

Can you see Noah in there?  ;)

They were playing with an eighteenth century toy that was supposed to improve their hand-eye coordination.  Apparently, they still need work on that.

We saw these cuties...but we could only look.  I so wanted to go pet them!  So did Noah....my sweet animal lover.

We ate lunch at The King's Tavern (yummy!) and destroyed a ridiculous amount of food.  We walked around some more and left around five.  We ate a late dinner, then the kids and I went and did this:

Heaven on earth.  :)

Love to all!

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