Tuesday, August 20, 2013


I've started and deleted several posts in the past few days.  I haven't really had a lot to say, in fact, at least one or two times a year, my mind just kinda goes blank and I never know what to put on the ol' blog.  I still don't have much to say, but I thought I would share what's been going on since last Tuesday.

Wednesday night was church as usual, but my summertime Wednesday night church hangout came to an end.  What is a summertime Wednesday night church hangout?  It's a couch and a chair and lot of floor space that was occupied by at least five of us mom's who had kids upstairs and didn't really have another place to go.  We would sit and talk and laugh for one solid hour.  I got to know a couple people better over the course of the summer, and I miss it already!

We had a fall vision dinner last week.  That is just a dinner and break-out groups explaining what would be going on for this year.  Every age group had a break-out group to go to.  Needless to say, I'm excited about this year.  Lots and lots of things are going on at Collierville First Baptist Church, and if you don't have a church home, I would love for you to join us.

I can't forget Wednesday night's much anticipated season premier of Duck Dynasty.  Even though we had to wake up early the next day, we let the kids watch before going to bed, as long as they promised to wake up happy.  They did.  :)

On Thursday, our homeschool group started back.  You have no idea how much excitement this brought us, and we were all running around like mad men on the night before, getting our bags and lunches and snacks ready to leave bright and early.  And that leads me to this: how did I ever do that with four kids in school every single day of the week, in two different schools?  I'm thankful I no longer have to.  Our one day a week is plenty for us Goodwin's.

Friday was spent at my Dad's house.  We picnic-ed, the boys fished and drove the John Deere, and we just sat and talked with my Dad.  It was a great day.


Saturday found us sleeping in late (kinda) and spending the day with Todd's parents.  My mom-in-love's parents owned three houses that she lived in at one time or another, and Wiley and Phyllis recently sold them all.  Before the houses are improved and different, Phyllis wanted to take us to them all and tell the boys stories from her childhood.  It was a really neat day, and at the last house, I cried.  That was the house that I remember her mom and dad living, and it just kinda overwhelmed me as I was flooded with memories of my kids' in that house, gathered around the kitchen table, or remembering Grandma Rena fixing them a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  I cried like a baby...in every single room.  It's funny when emotions like that happen, because I didn't expect to be saddened by seeing the house.

I really lost it when the kids each found something they wanted to bring home; a magnet, a Jesus sign and a stick.  It makes me cry just remembering it.

Sunday found us back at church.  Graham and Drew were there all day, almost.  After church, they had a band of brothers luncheon to talk about things they would be doing through Christmas with their big/little bro's.  Then they had puppet practice from 4-5:30.  Church started at six for Drew, and Graham and I had community group.

Also, after lunch on Sunday, we gained two house guests.  Our neighbor's kids stayed with us Sunday and Monday nights.  Last night (Monday) was the start of a Bible study I'm hosting in my home.  We're doing Beth Moore's David: Seeking A Heart Like His.  It's been a year and a half since I did a Beth Moore Bible study, and can I just say that I've missed it?  She teaches in a way that challenges me and that makes me remember things about the Bible.  No matter that I've read and re-read 1 Samuel, when she teaches on it, I learn new things about Samuel, Saul, and eventually, David.  I can't wait to start my homework!

But before I can start on that homework, I need to finish my Renewed Mom's homework in Leviticus.  I've got a couple more days' worth to do before Thursday.

In other news, Graham's first day of work was yesterday!  He had a great day.  He learned the cash register completely and he said everyone was incredibly nice to him.  :)  You'll be glad to know that I didn't cry...I kinda thought I would, but all I felt was pride as I dropped him off.  This job is something he wanted, and that he went after relentlessly, and it paid off.  I couldn't be more proud of any other fourteen year old.

Will you please help me pray for a friend of mine?  I don't want to give her name, but she got a disturbing report from her doctor and is having to schedule surgery with an oncologist.  I know she's nervous and fearful...I would be too...and she desperately needs prayer.  I'm praying Isaiah 26:3 over her, that He will keep her in perfect peace because she trusts in Him.  Thanks for helping me pray.

Well.  My day is waiting on me to get started.  I pray you're having a great week!  Love to all.


  1. Yes I cried!!! Your blogs make me cry a lot. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the houses. I love reading all the exciting things you and the boys do. You are a wonderful mother (and daughter to me). My goals for the day, before the game tonight, is to do my homework, that I am excited about too, and WALK!!!! I've got to get back to walking! I just listened to a radio broadcast online that encouraged me. KEEP BLOGGING!!!!

  2. But it wasn't sad! Ha...I know...I cry a lot, too. Old age...hormones...call it what you may. ;)

    Thank you so much! We have fun, for sure...I cherish each and every moment with them, except for the moments when they argue. Ha!

    I've been digging into Leviticus 1-7 all morning to complete my Renewed Mom's homework for the week. It's taken me FOREVER and I'm not done. I had to break away for a bit. I'll finish before we leave for the game, then tomorrow I'll do my Sunday school lesson and community group stuff, THEN I'll start the David homework.

    My plate is full. I'm a tiny bit overwhelmed, but I know God has a plan in all of the crazy.

    I will, I promise.


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