Sunday, August 4, 2013


A friend told me yesterday that I have been oddly quiet on Facebook.  And I have, not really even thinking about why I've been that way.  But I tend to not be on there too much on weekends.  I try to be in the moment and just enjoy being on our weekends.  But she's right~I have been quiet.

It's been a really nice weekend.  We didn't do anything on Friday night.  The boys each invited a friend over, but the only one who could do anything was Drew's friend Canon.  Yesterday was spent doing laundry and just cleaning up in general around here.  The boys did a major overhaul on the upstairs; it needed it!

Last night we had some sweet friends over.  :)  The hubs grilled our hamburgers and hot dogs, and we just sat around talking and laughing.  It was a fun night.  I love when our friends make themselves totally at home, and I'm fairly certain that they did last night.   I was looking at this basket in my living room that holds our blankets~they're all refolded now, but three of them covered up and got all snuggly on my couch last night.  I love that, it makes my heart all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Today is promotion Sunday at Collierville First Baptist Church!  I'm excited about it~in fact, I need to stop writing so I can wake up everyone to get dressed.  We have to be there in fifty minutes for a meeting, but they're providing the breakfast.  I'm thankful for that~it makes getting there at 8:30 so much more appealing.  ;)  I pray that the boys all love and feel comfortable with their teachers.  I'm pretty sure they will.  Drew's teachers are moving up with them.  Graham's are new, but I think he knows them.  Jonah's and Noah's class has one teacher moving up, I think, and I don't know who the other one is.

It's going to be a great day, and I need to get a move on.  I pray you all spend part of your day in church, worshiping our Lord~He deserves it!  If you don't normally do that, try it!  I promise, it's amazing how good your week goes when you spend Sunday honoring Him.  Thanks for reading.  Love to all!

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