Wednesday, July 31, 2013

what~not Wednesday

And because I feel the need to, I present to you a numbered blog post.  :)

1.  I am more than overwhelmed with homeschool stuff right now.  There are so many choices, and so many of them are SO EXPENSIVE!!!  And I'm choosing for FOUR, not just two like this time last year.  Yikes.  And, I have one going into high school.  Which counts.  For his future.  And if I mess up, well...I'm going to stop myself now.

2.  I just now, at 4:15 p.m., am dressed for my "day".  Except that it's about to not be day anymore.  So, I'm just now dressed for my night at church.  I stayed in my pajama's all day long.  It was glorious.

3.  Graham and Drew prayer-walked this morning, with some youth from our church.  They ended at a pool party.  And tonight, Jonah and Noah are going to a pool party to end their summer in Midweek Mania.  Graham and Drew are going to "help".

4.  I look so forward to these summer time Wednesday nights...I end up staying forever and chatting with friends.  It's a fun way to get caught up with each other, because we usually don't see one another on Sunday's.

5.  As I type this, I am watching the dumbest cartoon known to man.  Drew loves cartoons.  This one is on the Cartoon Network and is called The Amazing World of Gumball.  I kid you not.  He admitted to me that Graham usually won't let him watch cartoons upstairs...he thinks they're dumb.  (I kinda do, too.)

6.  Drew and I are enjoying an afternoon snack~Cheese Its.  Graham is in the kitchen, attempting to not chop off his finger as he cuts a cantaloupe.  Jonah, Noah and their friend Alex are upstairs playing in the giant fort they made this morning.

Well, as exciting as this list is, I cannot force myself to think of one other thing.  My brain hurts.  Hope your week's been great!  Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer,

    Love day like those days!!!! If you need any help with curriculum, even for high school, I will be glad to help. So love homeschooling:)


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