Tuesday, July 2, 2013


This might just be a numbered post.  Do you mind?  Who am I kidding...to quote my friend Shari, crickets have been chirping on this ol' blog for the past several weeks.  Oh well, you'll notice I haven't stopped writing.  And believe it or not, I write for myself.  I've always said that it's an outlet.  Hopefully my kids will read this stuff someday.  Or Todd.

Or the government.  There's always them.  ;)

Kidding, kidding...well, a little bit.

Moving on.

1.  It's my favorite week!  I'm kinda bummed that I won't be swimming this week, along with Jonah.  We're giving our ears a rest for the next few days. 

2.  Even though I won't be swimming, I'm excited about hanging out with my friend Lori at her pool tomorrow!  I love her and love the time we get to spend together. 

3.  I read about a new Bible study by Beth Moore that comes out in August.  I'm so excited about it, that I'm thinking of opening up my home on Monday nights for five weeks in a row to study the word of God together with a group of women that I love and admire.  Are you wondering where the boys will be?  Well, so am I, but I'm sure we'll figure out something.  I'm relying on God here...to help me figure out all the details and to get all the kinks worked out. 

I'm really excited about doing another of her studies~it's been over a year since I've done a study written by her and that's too long.  She is my favorite Bible teacher ever.  Apparently, a bunch of women are interested...I don't know how many will show up each week, but I am ready and willing to be that home.  I won't promise that my floor will be void of dog hair, or that my kitchen will be entirely clean, but I will be ready and willing to love on some Godly women and to grow closer to the Lord in studying His word together.  Doesn't it sound fun?!

4.  It's funny how God stretches us beyond our limits.  He is really good at doing that, in fact.  I am in no way a leader type of gal...but I've been wondering the last few months~is He changing me?  I know it's only Him, because in no way whatsoever would I have sought out some of the opportunities He's presented me with since February.  He is good to remind me of His faithfulness, though.  Hmmm...just as I wrote that, I am reminded that just today alone, I've seen the Lamentations three passage four times on Facebook.  You know the one:

"Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."  Lamentations 3:22

Maybe that's why I have literally read this over and over today.  I can count on Him for anything...everyone else will eventually disappoint me (of course they will, we're all human), but not Him.  Just today I was meditating on the fact that He says to cast all our anxieties on Him...He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).  He wants to bear our burdens.  

How great is our God?

Sounds like a song, doesn't it?  ;)

5.  We had dinner with the in-love's tonight.  We've been home for about two hours now, and all of the time we've been home, Todd and the boys have been hanging out in our room upstairs.  I have absolutely no idea what they're doing, but whatever it is, they're enjoying themselves.  I'm about to go rain on their parade, though.  I am almost ready to turn in for the night. 

Well, this has been random.  Thanks for reading, though.  Love to all.  

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