Friday, July 26, 2013

pictures from our week and last night

Good mornin', Sunshine!  It's a gorgeous day outside, and one that I can't wait to get started on.  My boys, my dad and I are going to the zoo!  We have yet to see the stingray's and it's been ages since we've fed the birds.  I'm thinking that those two items will be on our list of things to do first today.  After lunch, of course.  ;)

Yesterday was one of those amazing days when you stand back and think, "What in the world have I ever done to deserve this kind of day?"  My friend Lori invited us to swim with her, along with four other friends from church.  It was so much fun...we were there from ten to two, and we took a picnic lunch to eat.  There were a ton of kids there...if I counted correctly, it was eighteen kids and six adults.


It was a blast.  Last night topped off our perfect day~it was the last Summer concert on the square in The Ville.  :(  I cannot believe school is about to start back for public school kids.  We won't start back until about the third week of August.  I am so glad my kids are homeschooled!  Seriously...I thank God for the blessing it is to be at home with them all.  They are too; they feel sorry for their friends who start back the week after next.

Back to last night~we met some friends from church and sat and talked and listened to music.  I thought I would share some pics.

The night was gorgeous, cool and breezy, the music was wonderful and the friends were plentiful.  It was perfect in every way.  (Even when the police had to escort my friends' kids back to us!  And no, mine were not involved.)

Here's a pic I took Wednesday...we had been running around town with my sweet Mom and we were fooling around with my phone in the car.

I love our crazy kids.  Our sometimes crazier life.  Each moment with these people is a gift to me, and I try my best to always be in the moment with them.  I love being all crazy and happy with them, and the jokes we share each and every day.  I feel like I am favored by the Lord.  I don't mean to sound all braggy by saying that, but I do know that each and every one of us~YOU included~are His treasured possessions.  His word tells us that in Deuteronomy 26:18: "And the LORD has declared this day that you are his people, his treasured possession as he promised, and that you are to keep all his commands."

Know that He loves you, too.  He doesn't just shine down His love on me, y'all...He does this for all of us.  All you have to do is look for it, look for His blessings.  And know that everything in life is a gift from Him.  James 1:17 says that, too, that "every good and perfect gift is from above".  

I pray you walk in His ways.  I pray you know Him, that you honor Him with your life, that you produce the fruits of His Holy Spirit, which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.  Not that I am all of those things in every single moment of everyday, but I do have that verse (Galatians 5:22,23) committed to memory.  And when I feel myself being un-fruity, as I like to call it, I remember these attributes and pray for Him to help me change my behavior.

If you don't know Him, can I challenge you to get to know Him?  Read His word.  Start in the book of John.  Get to know Him and see how He speaks to you through His written word.  I dare you! 

Well, once again, my coffee cup is empty.  I must go re-fill before I get a jump start on this day.  I have lots to do before eleven, including running up to my church to laminate some things in preparation for tomorrow's Family Worship Workshop.  I pray your day is blissful, my friends.  Love to all.  

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