Monday, July 1, 2013

one of my most favorite weeks of the year

Our afternoon started out with lots of prayer.  The chance of rain was close to fifty percent and the way the wind was blowing and the coolness of the temperature sure did make it feel like the weathermen would be right.  I started praying that the Lord would hold it all off until after the fireworks show.  And guess what?  He did! 

"Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart's desires." Psalm 37:4

He truly cares about every little detail of our lives...the small AND the big.  :)  

The temperature was amazing, y'all.  I kid you not~it was the most amazing, perfectly cool evening.  How often have you watched fireworks go off with a blanket wrapped around you?  In Memphis???  (I didn't, but my mom-in-love did.)  I loaded up my car and headed to our area's mega-church, Bellevue, for the greatest showing of fireworks in the city of Memphis...and that I have ever seen, with the exception of the ones at Disney World.

All these were with me.  Noah, Drew, Canon (the one being held), Andrew (in the red), Alex (with his eyes shut), Graham and Jonah.

My motto is "the more the merrier".  Seriously.  I don't know another time that my heart is as happy and full as it is when my car is packed with kids.  It's such a blessing to be a mom/taxi-driver/friend-mom to all these amazing kids.  God has blessed me beyond measure in all these gifts.

Aren't they cute?  Left to right: Jonah, Noah, Alex.  Noah bought them all these shirts with his money...I love his generosity.  The "D" is for "devote", as in the Bible verse from 1 Chronicles 22:19.

"Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the LORD your God."

I believe these guys will do just that.  I pray that is the case...and I know God will deliver.  :)

There to watch the show with us were my in-love's, a sweet friend named Jennifer, some friends from our church and some of our best couple friends.  And kids...lots and lots of kids.


 Before everyone arrived, Noah bought a snow cone to share with Jonah and Alex.  I need to pay him back for it...I just didn't have any cash on me, so he bought his own. 

The sky was beautiful!  After I took this, it really started getting dark.  As in stormy, not nighttime.  At one point right before the fireworks started, it started sprinkling, but God held it all off for us, and it stopped.

This is my sweet friend, Sunny.  We've been friends with this precious couple since Jonah and Noah were about three years old.  Andy is their son, and Jonah's and Noah's best friend in the world.  He's one of my "adopted" kids. 

This sweet friend in the picture above is Tammy Townsend.  She was Jonah's second grade teacher and Alex's third grade teacher.  The sweet girl is her daughter, Carley.  I call her our favorite pyromaniac because she is the one who is usually setting off the fireworks that we so love.  Last night, however, her husband David was the one blowing it all up, so she was able to enjoy the show as a spectator.  She sat with us and answered all the questions that these three boys were asking her.  

I will leave you with some snapshots of my favorite fireworks.

(I love this one above.  You can barely see the outline of the boys watching in child-like wonder.)

We have lots more celebrating to do this week, and I am so excited.  I love this week~to me, it's always been the epitome of Summer.  Great food, swimming, celebrating, fireworks, friends, and family.  What more could we ask for?  I pray you enjoy your week.  How are you celebrating the fourth?  Share the love, leave some comments!  

Thanks and love to all!


  1. Yes!!!! It was an amazing evening, even with a blanket around me!!! THANK YOU!! I LOVE YOU!!!

  2. Aw, thanks for that. It was fun, aren't you so glad I coerced you into coming?!?! ;) Love you too!


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